Session 26

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
Covenfolk · Agents
The Redcaps · Notable NPCs
Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
Covenant Charter · Membership Record
Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
Mundane Geography · Mundane Politics
Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
Village Laws · Village Rumors
Medieval Farming
Covenant Resources
Covenant Library · Varana's Tomb
Hospital · Hospital Library
Vis Sources and Stores
Covenant Magical Items · Mundane Wealth
Classes and Training · Covenant Experts
Covenant Mechanics
Ars Magica House Rules
Ars Magica Expanded Notes
Campaign Log · Loose Ends
Ars Magica PC Reference
Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart

« Session 25 | Nova Semitae Saga Journal | Session 27 »

As the Winter 1230 session began, Neanne reminded some of the magi that they still needed to contribute a book as part of their 7-year duty to the covenant. Officer positions were rotated and noted in the official records.

An invitation to house a Bonisagus Tenens Occultorum member was accepted with payment to be determined, but will include a mix of vis payments per year as well as some access to Durenmar's library.

A lengthy list of charges against Canon law was delivered to the covenant by Bishop Abraham, who has taken the appointment of a priest to a parish in his bishopric by the Pope as an insult. Among the charges:

  • Third Lateran Council, Canon 26: That Jews and Saracens should not have Christian servants, a reference to the fact that the Autocrat is Jewish and therefore commands Christian servants for the covenant
Response: The ultimate authority in the covenant is the Princeps, not the Autocrat, and therefore this canon is not violated since the (present) Princeps, Aulus, is Christian.
  • Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 22: That when a physician is called to the sick, a physician of the soul also be called (i.e. a member of the clergy), a reference to the covenant's hospital operating without Church involvement or oversight
Response: Members of the Knights Hospitaller now work at the hospital so that both physicians of the body and of the soul are present.
  • Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 53: Claiming non-Christians as a reason to not tithe is unacceptable, and estate owners must be called to pay the full tithe on their behalf, referring to the uneven tithe deal made with a previous bishop justified by the fact that the majority of the covenant is non-Jewish
Response: Full tithe to be paid.
  • Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 54: Payment of tithes takes precedent over all other taxes and living expenses, another reference to the covenant not paying the full tithe
Response: Full tithe to be paid.
  • Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 56: A parish shall not lose the tithe due to pact, another reference to the covenant's previous tithe deal
Response: Full tithe to be paid.
  • Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 67: Excessive usury shall result in payment being made to Churches as it robs the Church of proper tithes from Christians who would otherwise have paid it, this being an attack on one of the covenant's income sources
Response: Full tithe to be paid, but moneylending will continue.
  • Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 68: That the non-Christian covenfolk are not distinguished in dress, a canon that has been ignored by the covenant
Response: None, while this is appealed to the Roman Curia
  • Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 69: That Jews are not given public office, noted because most of the bishop's correspondence has ended up with the autocrat
Response: TBD

Finally, at the end of the Summer season, a private messenger arrived from Prince Llewelyn with a 'request' to house his wife, Siwan (Joan), Lady of Wales, for one year and confine her to the walls of the covenant until she gives birth. This is directly resulting from her adulterous liaison that caused her to become pregnant. It is likely that after she gives birth that the child will be left in the care of the covenant.