Village of Melverley

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
Covenfolk · Agents
The Redcaps · Notable NPCs
Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
Covenant Charter · Membership Record
Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
Mundane Geography · Mundane Politics
Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
Village Laws · Village Rumors
Medieval Farming
Covenant Resources
Covenant Library · Varana's Tomb
Hospital · Hospital Library
Vis Sources and Stores
Covenant Magical Items · Mundane Wealth
Classes and Training · Covenant Experts
Covenant Mechanics
Ars Magica House Rules
Ars Magica Expanded Notes
Campaign Log · Loose Ends
Ars Magica PC Reference
Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart


The covenant is home to some 400 people, the vast majority of whom are Jewish. A confluence of two of the Founders being Jewish and the rescue of the covenant's present Autocrat as a boy have led to the covenant having what is likely the second-largest population of Jews in the British Isles. (Only London has a higher Jewish population at this time.) There are even some 3rd generation covenfolk of Jewish descent at the covenant. As a whole, the population is relatively devout, with nearly everyone observing the Sabbath and the festivals of the Faith. The local politics and holidays revolve largely around Jewish culture.

However, this does also present two potential issues for the magi. First, with such a large -- and growing! -- population of Jews, the covenant positions itself for blame should things go wrong with locals looking for a scapegoat. Secondly, the magi may be looking at charges of owning too many of the King's chattels without paying the proper licenses. In England at this time period, all Jews are considered 'property' of the King. This was done as a means to protect them, as their deaths would be offenses against the King. Of course, the King had a right to all the Jew's property upon their death -- especially lucrative given the higher-than-average number of moneylenders among the Jewish population. Additionally, it was permissible to "own" one of the king's Jews provided you had a proper license from the king's chancellor. Given the hundreds of Jews at the covenant, the magi would have no means to pay for so many licenses.

There does exist a small Christian population who provide services to the magi on days that Jews are not permitted to work according to their faith and traditions. With the recent arrival of Fr. Thomas Telarius and the establishment of a chapel outside the covenant walls (with its own chaplain), the Christian covenfolk finally have the ability to attend mass and someone to confess to. Although unintentional, they are second-class citizens within the covenant, though the Jewish population are careful not to abuse their majority status. If nothing else, Josef still vivid recalls the death of his friends and families at the hands of Christians and knows well that it only takes one disgruntled Christian covenfolk to bring down the wrath of the greater Christian community unto the covenant. This is something he will not permit to happen again.

Population by Resident Type

At 1220 A.D. winter, prior to the PCs joining the covenant

Resident Count Notes
Magi 3
Companions 3
Craftsmen 8 brewer (2), carpenter (2), furniture maker, candle maker, cobbler, blacksmith
Specialists 4 autocrat, turb captain, scribe, steward
Grogs 20 1 trainer, 19 men-at-arms
Retirees 20 Pensioned covenfolk
Dependents 20
Laborers 100 12 fishermen, 10 cooking/maid staff, 78 field workers
Servants 14
Teamsters 0
Other covenfolk 208 Covenfolk not paid or employed directly by the covenant
'TOTAL 400

Population by Religion

Faith Population
Jewish 350
Christian 46
Muslim 2
Pagan 2

Covenant Aura

The Covenant is covered with a Magic Aura 5 with a Creo 3 tether. This extends in approximately a one-mile radius centered on the menhir in the Mercer Woods. The covenant is also subject to several Dominion Auras due to the presence of both Jewish and Christian faithful in the covenant. However, this is largely suppressed due to the Magic Aura being greater, except at the housing of the Torah scrolls in Greystone Keep. In this confined location, the Dominion Aura is 5. The western-most fields beginning at the Chapel in the Haimwood Common Fields are far enough from the Menhir to exert a Dominion Aura 1 while the chapel itself and the adjoining cemetery have a Dominion Aura 4.

Absent the Magic Aura, the following Dominion Aura levels would take place:

  • Altar in the chapel, or at the Torah scroll housing in Greystone Keep: Dominion Aura 5
  • Rest of Chapel, or rest of Feast Hall in Greystone Keep: Dominion Aura 4
  • Graveyards of St. Catherine of Alexandria, or Mt. Zion: Dominion Aura 4
  • Village Residences: Dominion Aura 2
  • Fields: Dominion Aura 1

North Tower

A perfectly octogonal tower carved entirely from a single piece of lapis lazuli, though mundanes tend to think of it simply made of an exceptionally blue marble. Result of Conjuring the Mystic Tower when the covenant was founded. Located at the north end of the Western Wall where it meets the River Vyrnwy.

  • Floor 6: Aislinn’s former lab. Accessible only from an internal staircase from Floor 5.
  • Floor 5: Aislinn and Justen’s former living quarters. Internal staircases up to Floor 5 and down to Floor 4.
  • Floor 4: Justen’s former lab. Accessible from Floor 5 only.
  • Floor 3: Justen and Aislinn’s storage floor. Hidden staircase to Floor 4. Accessible from top of covenant walls through an illusory wall.
  • Floor 2: Unused sanctum. Accessed through internal staircase from Floor 1.
  • Floor 1: Unused sanctum. Accessed from ground floor entrance.
  • Basement: Storage area for foodstuffs due to cold. Staircase from basement level goes down to sub-basement level, also used for food and drink storage.

South Tower

Formed out of fire agate, this octogonal tower seems to be mostly black and brown marbled stone until the sunlight strikes it just the right way causing pockets in the stone to iridesce. External staircases climb the eastern half of the tower allowing access to various floors. Result of Conjuring the Mystic Tower when the covenant was founded. Located at the south end of the Western Wall where it meets the River Severn.

  • Floor 6: Unused sanctum
  • Floor 5: Unused sanctum
  • Floor 4: Julissa’s sanctum. Accessible only from Floor 3, internally.
  • Floor 3: Julissa’s sanctum. Accessible from external staircase on east side of tower. Landing also allows access to top of covenant walls.
  • Floor 2: de Sule quarters (Neanne, Jerome, Therese, Aline)
  • Floor 1: Neanne's sanctum, and gallery; includes an external workshop for her glass-blowing
  • Basement: Storage area, currently unused. A door from the ground level leads to an internal staircase going down into the basement level. A second internal staircase in the basement leads down to the sub-basement level.

Western Wall

A conjured wall looking decidedly plain given the two towers at its ends. Except for the gatehouse, it is made of a single massive piece of stone. It spans both rivers and formally marks the western border of the covenant. It stands some 20 feet tall with a walkway and parapets at the top. Staircases on the ends as well as at the gatehouse permit access to the walkway. It is regularly, if lightly, patrolled due to the relatively peaceful conditions of the covenant at present. A gatehouse in the center controls access into the covenant, which is guarded at all times.

Barracks and Practice Yard

Located south of the main gate along Wall Road, these buildings house the small standing forces of the covenant. A practice yard is attached for drilling and training.

Maribus’ Cottage

Located at the south-easternmost point of the covenant at the confluence of the two rivers (Severn and Vyrnwy). Maribus set up his sanctum away from the rest of the magi to be closest to the water, reflecting his Aquam specialization. ‘Cottage’ is a misnomer due to its sturdy, two-story construction. Nearby is a small white pillar with a clear crystal ball sitting on top of it. Covenfolk talk about a magical bridge that can be formed to cross either river to allow access to the opposite bank.

Great Hall

A hall constructed of seemingly perfect construction, it was created with a variant of Conjuring the Mystic Tower named Conjuring the Noble’s Manor. Formed of local grey stone, it could house the entire covenant’s members during an attack if necessary. The Great Hall stands 4 stories (making it decidedly larger than a typical noble’s manor) and houses a number of important rooms.

Floor 1:

  • Feast Hall: A large hall that can fit a large number of guests (most of the covenant)
  • Private Dining Hall: More luxurious, and decidedly quiet, dining hall for magi. Can host up to 20 people, plus servants. The magi traditionally eat here.
  • Kitchens and Pantry: Attached to both the Feast Hall and the Private Dining Hall
  • Ale-Wife’s Brewing room

Floor 2:

  • Guest quarters. Offices (unused) for mundane administrators. Guest laboratory.

Floor 3:

  • Library (spans floors 3 and 4); mostly mundane topics, scribing area, library administration

Floor 4:

  • Library (spans floors 3 and 4); mostly magic-related books. Accessible only from within the library beginning at Floor 3.

Greystone Manor

Similar to the Great Hall, this manor is used as the center of the covenant’s Jewish community. It currently houses the Autocrat’s family and offices to administer the covenant’s merchant operations. It has a smaller version of the feast hall in the Great Hall, used both for large gatherings as well as festivals and religious ceremonies (e.g. Seder, Hannukah, bar-and-batmizvahs, etc.) The Manor was constructed with Conjuring the Noble’s Manor to make the Autocrat’s duties easier (rather than having him operate out of his house). The manor is only 3 stories tall, with 1 basement level used for storage.

Due to the manor’s use as the center of worship for the covenant’s Jewish population, it is currently the source of a Dominion Aura; however it does not current extend outside of the structure itself.

Fishing Village

Not so much a separate village, though the covenfolk refer to it as such. The term refers to the small group of covenfolk who live near the docks as well as the residences and buildings they use on the River Severn. They bring in a modest amount of fish to supplement the covenant’s diet. They also serve as dockworkers for river-trade and any guests who arrive by boat. The fishing village predates the covenant and was run by the Redcaps to help manage travels and supplies. The fishing village and its inhabitants fall under the jurisdiction of the covenant, being ceded by the Redcaps, thought they still maintain strong loyalties and community to the Redcaps that founded their village.

Mercer House

The covenant is located at the site of a Mercer House, built in 1109 as a waystation for Redcaps traveling the River Severn betweeen Wales and England. It is located in a wooded area within the covenant boundaries, hidden from view from the rest of the covenant and surrounded by a wooden wall that delineates the property. In the center is a boarding house and tavern where the Redcaps live between their covenant visits and entertain guests. There are currently about ten Redcaps assigned to Stonehenge, though there are quarters for up to a dozen. The Mercer House operates independently of the covenant; in fact, it predates the covenant and was instrumental in bringing the Nova Semitae founders to build around them. The second notable item is a 15-foot-tall menhir with symbols etched into it. This menhir serves as a Hermes Portal anchor that House Mercere uses to bridge the distance to Harco where inter-Tribunal correspondence is gathered and distributed, as well as Durenmar -- many magi use it to travel to the Bonisagus Domus Magna for study or to attend the Grand Tribunal. This gives both the Mercer House and the covenant a lucrative Hermetic 'tollbooth'.

Mercer Cemetery

The final resting ground for Redcaps and their mundane staff and followers. Oldest cemetery of the covenant.

Chapel of St. Catherine of Alexandria

The chapel was recently erected to provide a proper place of worship for the covenant’s Christian members. It was constructed outside the covenant walls next to an existing cemetery used to bury the non-Jewish covenfolk, both to appease the majority Jewish covenfolk population as well as reduce the effect on the covenant of the Dominion Aura it will generate.

Mount Zion Cemetery

Located on the southern side of the covenant bordering the River Severn, this plot contains the burial grounds of the first two generations of jewish covenfolk who have called Melverley home. In order to keep the it from prying Christian eyes, it is surrounded by trees to prevent casual observance (and the typical bigotry and racism that accompanies it).

Nearby the cemetery is a mikveh used by the Jewish community for ritual purification. It is fed by a spring (necessary for the mikveh) which eventually drains into the Severn.