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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
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Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart

Neanne de Sule is a black sheep among House Verditius, for preferring a more research-oriented career as a maga rather than as an artificer, which her House is known for. She believes she was meant to be a Bonisagus maga but had the unfortunate luck to be claimed by a mediocre magus in House Verditius with an ego disproportionate to his skill. Neanne is highly intelligent and is a talented glass-worker with a gift of creating beautiful works of art that make her a favourite among Jerbiton magi and those who appreciate art with that touch of creativity that transcends mere skill.

Unusual among magi, she keeps her family close. This mostly consists of her younger brother, his wife, and their daughter. Neanne suspects her niece is Gifted and is keeping a close eye on her progress. This has driven her to improve her skills to be able to claim her as an apprentice, though she has been debating on whether or not to let her apprentice under another magus that might best suit her temperament and skills.

She nurses a grudge against her former master, one that simmers quietly in the background waiting for her to come up with a way to humiliate him in a public setting.

Unlike other Verditius magi, she is relatively uninterested in the Inner Mysteries of her House. Other Verditius magi sneer at her pretense. After all, what could a crafter who doesn't even have a venditor or a forge-companion have to offer the Order?


Name: Neanne of Verditius
Formal Name: Neanne Phaedra filia Melben Verditii ab Verdi
Race/Nationality: Provençal
Place of Origin: Rome Tribunal, Covenant of Verdi
Known Specialties: Magic Theory, Vim
Familiar: None
Apprentices: None
Venditores: None
Forge-Companions: None
Family: Jerome de Sulé (Brother)

Mundane Qualities


Neanne is of southern french origin, and grew up on the isle of Sardinia. She can wear a tan well though in England his is rarely a concern. She is short, under 5' tall, and is likely to be dressed in clothing appropriate to a glassworker than the classic robes.


  • Snob/Black Sheep (House Verditius) 2
  • Crafter of beautiful glass artwork (House Jerbiton) 1