Session 5

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
Covenfolk · Agents
The Redcaps · Notable NPCs
Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
Covenant Charter · Membership Record
Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
Mundane Geography · Mundane Politics
Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
Village Laws · Village Rumors
Medieval Farming
Covenant Resources
Covenant Library · Varana's Tomb
Hospital · Hospital Library
Vis Sources and Stores
Covenant Magical Items · Mundane Wealth
Classes and Training · Covenant Experts
Covenant Mechanics
Ars Magica House Rules
Ars Magica Expanded Notes
Campaign Log · Loose Ends
Ars Magica PC Reference
Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart

« Session 4 | Session 6 »

For today's session, we take care of some advancement, wherein most magi finish out the 4 seasons out of 7 that they owe as part of their Probationary period. We also take care of a few items on the covenant's agenda.

Autumn 1220

During the Autumn council meeting, Neanne asks a few of the Probationary members to take some grogs and harvest their Perdo vis source. Magni, Obscurus Ignis, and Veloxia attend to this duty. Obscurus Ignis casted a horoscope and picked a fortuitous day to go harvest the vis. The magi went travelling a half-day trip away to a cave surrounded by sickly-looking trees. Inside smells even worse, like the rotting carcasses of something dead for a while but not quite decayed away. At the back of the cave it opens up to a large pool, filled with viscous, black liquid. The pawns of vis are said to be black chunks of... something, in the pool.

Obscurus Ignis' horoscoping was apparently successful because in the end the group found a full rook of vis, something that hadn't been the case in quite a few years. Magni also took back some small samples of the liquid, which he and his fellow Flambeau experimented with outside the covenant. First, they dabbed some on a rock and surrounded it with a ring of stones and spontaneously casted fire at it from 50 yards away. Then, they dipped straw into the substance and set it on fire. They discovered that while the fluid wasn't magical per se, it did seem to make any substance coated in it more fire resistant. They directed the Autocrat to send some grogs to bring back a few bucketfuls worth and to direct someone to find a use for it.

Winter 1221

In the Winter season, the annual casting of the Aegis and the Bountiful Harvest took place. Here, the magi were directed to attend to the harvesting of their Auram vis from a faerie lord of winter. Each year, a different gift must be brought, and this duty had been lacking. They decided to entertain the faerie lord with music by Mildegod and Louis. They travelled into Wales and found themselves in a winter faerie regio where it was bitterly cold and inhabited by faerie inhabitants whose breath froze as they were speaking.

The faerie lord greeted them cordially and the magi presented their musicians who performed an excellent duet that pleased the faerie lord. He allowed them to harvest his breath, which brought back a half-rook of Auram vis.

Spring 1221


Summer 1221

Obscurus Ignis, Veloxia, and Sir Daniele lead a mission to nearby Poole (or Welshpoole as it's known in the modern day) to discover what has befallen a supply of Venetian glassware and other supplies normally brought to them by a Venetian merchant who trades in Wales. The trip is a mere 12 miles upriver. There, they discover that the merchant has been leading a comfortable life with a villa with his own private warehouse and a mistress. Sir Daniele demonstrates his competence by engaging in a series of negotiations backed with magi threats and makes the merchant reveal that his caravan was 'ambushed' and the entire convoy of covenant supplies were lost. Sir Daniele makes him promise to replace it, given that the covenant has pre-paid him, due to historic ties. The merchant also reveals that his position in society is being compromised by dealing with 'witches and Jews' and so has avoided the covenant hoping they would imply ignore the last missing shipment. Veloxia, in housecat form, scouts ahead and prowls through the private warehouse and discovers that the merchant is telling the truth -- the supplies there are all local goods ready to be shipped back to Venice.

Additional gossiping with the townsfolk reveals that the local bishop is in schism with the Hospitaller prior in town. Since the knightly orders answer only to the Pope, the bishop cannot force them to do anything. It turns out the Hospitallers gave final communion and last rites to a man the bishop excommunicated. The party visits the Priory and discovers a hospital being tended by compassionate and competent nurses, the patients are well-fed and comfortable. The priory is also well fortified for a building in the middle of the city. They meet both the religious and military head of the prior on their visit, who give them a tour of the facility. Sir Daniele, moved by their piety and good works, makes a generous donation of one Mythic Pound (240 silver pennies) on the spot. They also discover a Redcap recovering in the hospital, who wants the magi to not jeopardize the relationship she has with the knights. Promising that they will be discreet, she reveals a rumour that the prior has come into the possesion of a caravn of goods. Sir Daniele is then able to ask about the merchant to the head of the prior and discovers that the priory had received some 'strange glassware' from the merchant. Sir Daniele pushes the covenant's claim and after some thorny negotiations, where the knights insist on knowing whether the covenant harbours witches and satanists, manages to reclaim the uncommon glassware that was not yet sold.