A Totally Legitimate Timeline

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Star Wars: Edge of the Empire
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Game Status
Campaign Concluded
Player XP
The Flaming Cantina
Layout · Cargo · Modifications
Bad Part of Town
Cosmopolitan · Martini · The Shot
Bacta Max · Jarash · Jax Bauer
Merick Tel · "Red" · Zael
NPC Crew
Gwynnel and Jessiel
BS7-SAMI · S1-R1
R2-R9 · 41-VEX · AC Security
Cookie · W-11e · Bric & Brac
The Kids
Yote Reynard · Kerrimapia and Jowdrrl
Nell Davengatt · Wookie Engineers
Walker, Sector Ranger · Tooga the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt · Kaltho the Hutt
Aris Shen · Jedi Master Elaiza
Chief Ereen · Honest Cal
Agent Los · Bounty Hunter Haj
Former Enemies
Teemo & Co · Inquisitor An'ya Fell
Crew Obligations · Crew Duty
House Rules · Adventure Log

The crew of Flaming Cantina began in mid-2012 with characters intended to get a feel for the new Fantasy Flight system. We eventually decided to keep our characters and rotate GMs to a longer campaign.


The future founders of the Totally Legitimate Company and crew of The Flaming Cantina are brought together by fate and mutual need.

Escape from Mos Shutta

Desperate to get off Tatooine and in trouble with Teemo the Hutt, Red, Jax, Zael and Kashel hatch a plan with the aid of the droid S1-R1 to steal the light freighter Krayt Fang from the Hutt's number one goon, Trax. During the course of the attempt, they inadvertently steal BS7-SAMI, as well as recuing Merick and Bacta Max from the bounty hunter's holding cells. Fleeing the planet in their stolen, underfueled transport, the group head to the only planet in the navicomputer that's also in range -- Ryloth.

Long Arm of the Hutt

Having escaped from Mos Shutta, a newly formed crew bound by being wanted by Teemo the Hutt try to map out their next steps.

Part 1: Rugged Road to The Ryll Mines

Arriving on Ryloth, the group connects with a local resistance group while they try and lay low and figure out how to pull the tracker off of their stolen freighter. The resistance group agrees to aide them in exchange for assistance in conducting a destructive raid on a slave-operated mining facility controlled by none other than Teemo the Hutt.

Part 2: Geonosian Negotiation

After fixing their freighter they discover Teemo has been negotiating with Geonosian weapons dealers, and head to Geonosis to convince the weapons dealers to aid them. Foiling Teemo's negotiations for Battle Droids, they learn of Teemo's familial connection to Jabba, and manage to get themselves shipped to Teemo's palace as battle droid parts.

Part 3: Return to Mos Shutta

Within the palace they find proof that Teemo means to betray Jabba. After rescuing 41-VEX they relay this information to Jabba who imprisons his cousin. But in the final chase Jax reveals his Jedi powers to the Hutt, forcing him to find his own way back to the crew (with the help of Red) on the Krayt Fang 2, and driving Kashel to join Trex's crew in the hunt for our heroes...

Totally Legitimate

The first year of the T.L.C. proved to be particularly dynamic, seeing the further expansion of both the ship's crew and the company assets. As the company officers settle into their new positions, secrets are revealed.

Beyond the Rim

When new rumors add credence to old smugglers’ tales of a long-lost Separatist treasure ship, it’s time for a handful of intrepid explorers, scrappy smugglers, and cunning academics to fire up their hyperdrive and embark upon a fantastic journey to the farthest regions of the galaxy.

Part 1: The Tale of Sa Naloor

Part 2: Welcome to the Jungle

Part 3: Toxic Motherlode

Awaiting the Ship

The team have sold both the Krayt Fang and the Krayt Fang II, as well as spent nearly all of their savings to create a clean company with clean bill of ownership on a clean, legally acquired starship. But not all is quiet as they await the slow grind of the legal process.

Trouble Brewing

Starved for cargo, the team have been taking what they can find, which eventually leads them to Farmos, the "finish line" of the Kessel Run. There a damaged droid and a worried Rodian lead cause them to get tangled with a local crime lord. They track him to his asteroid base before infiltrating it, killing him and making off with his cargo and load-lifter droids, Bric and Brac.

Anything for a Price

A visit to a world where justice is bought and paid for, Zael is mistaken for Han Solo, and an inquisitor is embarrased by confusing Red for Chewie.

Death, Dirt, and the Nerf Rancher's Daughter

Promised some credits and a new ship in exchange for hauling a load of fresh frozen nerf steaks, the crew of the Cantina are sent to a small agri-world to pick up said cargo. However a nebula causes their hyperdrive to short out, a crashed ship unleashes a horde of silvered Skekfish (more commonly known as "knife fish"), a cantina is burned down, and the crew escape with the daughter of the head Nerf Rancher, Nell Davengatt. Oh, and they got the cargo.

Legitimate Troubles


A job offer from an old friend turns out to be from an old enemy, who is one step ahead of the inevitable double cross. Tracking him to Kuat, the crew of the Cantina finds itself framed for the theft of a Lancer Frigate intended for Inquisitor An'ya Fell.

The Search for Captain Zael

The crew of the Flaming Cantina turn to finding their missing crew member and shipmate, Zael after he was taken from them at Kuat.

Part 1: The Rock

It is a dark time in the galaxy. The founders of TOTALLY LEGITIMATE BUSINESS INCORPORATED have narrowly escaped the wrath of an IMPERIAL INQUISITOR, with a group of wookiee slaves and notably RED'S children. However, they left a companion behind in CAPTAIN TRAX'S claws.

CAPTAIN ZAEL is now lost to TOTALLY LEGITIMATE BUSINESS INC. and they now must track down their comrade before it is too late...

Part 2: The Ocean Tide

The stalwart crew of the FLAMING CANTINA in their search for their lost captain, have stumbled upon another of TRAX'S dastardly schemes. And it will take place upon a Mon Calamari luxury cruise liner, the OCEAN TIDE, owned by the nefarious JABBA THE HUTT.

What TRAX intends with the OCEAN TIDE is unknown, but the crew know that it cannot be good. They are now on the way to the Mon Calamari homeworld of DAC for the OCEAN TIDE'S maiden voyage to confront TRAX and retrieve the location of ZAEL.

But will they stop TRAX in time? Wll they rescue CAPTAIN ZAEL? Will the GM stop robbing movies for plot ideas?

Part 3: Red in Tooth and Claw

The Team has finally arrived at the last known location for CAPTAIN ZAEL, an unknown jungle planet in Wild Space. But they are not the only ones searching for him.

AGENT LOS, of Imperial Intelligence is also after the Captain for reasons unknown. But the only thing known is that ZAEL is on the planet below, and THE Z-TEAM... I mean, the operators of TOTALLY LEGITIMATE BUSINESS INCORPORATED have their task set before them!

However, an alternate interest in the crew is not far behind...

Return to Kuat

Back on Kuat to retrieve the Cantina, the Inquisitor is aquiring new ships for her personal use. Her sister the Kuati manager is less happy with the matter. Her 10-year-old nephew could care less as long as he gets to shoot things.

None are Safe from a Hutt's Revenge

In need of a new hyperdrive the crew finds Jabba has one, with an offer they cannot refuse. His offer is simple, he has tracked down the home planet and family of the ISB agent and they simply have to find or forge evidence that they are traitors to the empire. With a cargo of exotic fish as cover the evidence is planted, but in the process they inadvertently impersonate a rebel spy, and shatter his cover by being arrested. After a daring escape from authorities (without being properly identified) the crew returns to their ship to find a rebel cell trying to take over, believing the crew's actions to be sinister actions of imperial agents. The confrontation ends in a standoff with a familiar face at the head of the cell, Mu Nanb, a Sullustan Merick dropped a drink on at a meeting with arms dealers back in the Long Arm of the Hutt.

Compound Interest

The Package

A routine visit to TLB's Naboo HQ turns into a three way battle to save a Carbonite-frozen Nell Davingaat while hunted by both the Bounty Hunter's guild, and IG-88 himself.

The Majestic

Due to a well-plotted hyperspace calculation by S1-R1, the Cantina emerges from lightspeed directly in the path of a Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser. The cruiser is found to be part of the Katana fleet, and the group attempts to discover what happened. Turns out that the onboard AI went rogue, slaughtered everyone inside using security droids and hyped out. Trouble came when they awoke the AI from it's stasis...

Shattered Minds

Short on work the crews takes on a job to transport a dangerous droid to IG-88 for a tidy sum, and to convince the droid to cease hunting of the TLB crew. To reach their destination they are forced to skirt the edge of a black hole, and recognize a coded signal from a nearby planets that matches an entry from the Jedi crystal database. The crew decides to leave a team on the planet to seek out the signal, while the rest of the crew continues on to their destination. On the planet they find the crashed remains of a Paraxeum ship that natives have considered sacred. Earning a semblance of trust from the natives, the team undergoes an initiation ritual that earns them some lightsaber cryatals. Finally they are shown to the most sacred site, the bridge on which the skeletal remains of a Jedi master, moments away from completing a Holocron that would preserve his life's work, lie frozen by the force in his final position. Jax tries to help finish the Holocron, but the arrival of the Inquisitor on the edge of the black hole shatters his concentration, leaving the Holocron flawed but complete. Meanwhile the rest of the crew find that the droid they were transporting was the insane body shifting AI that once controlled the Majestic of the Katana fleet. Thanks to the dangers of the black hole the Inquisitor is only able to intercept with a brief barrage of torpedoes, and a wing of the cutting edge Tie Interceptor, but this proves disastrous for the Imperials due to clever maneuvers and the inescapable maw of the black hole.


With the Imperials in hot pursuit, our heroes lead them to an ancient sanctuary world, where geodes deaden the Dark Side of the Force. The Inquisitor defeated, Teemo appeased, and a new lure to the Dark Side offered.

The Jewel of Yavin

An old flame contacts Merick with a tantalizing offer: help steal the Jewel of Yavin and bilk its bidders at the same time for the score of a lifetime.

Part 1: Odds and Opportunity

Meeting up Aris Shen, the crew are introduced to her father, the mastermind of the caper. They learn of the Jewel of Yavin's auction and all the key players as well as a Cloud Car race that guarantees the winner's access to the auction as guests. There is plenty of snooping, meddling, and preparing. However, things go awry as Jax is spotted meeting a woman and disappears, followed shortly by Zael just before the Cloud Car race.

Part 2: The Greatest Caper

With Merick promoted as the new pilot and Red taking over as engineer and co-pilot, the Cantina crew manage to finish first in a spectacular finish that guarantees their place in Cloud City gambling history. (Many bettors lost money as a result.) The auction for the Jewel of Yavin is held and the crew meddles to try and bump up the price with Kaltho the Hutt eventually winning. With a short window to steal the gem, the crew then heads to the museum where it is kept. The evening guard arrangements require a noisy distraction, but in the end, the Jewel of Yavin is theirs.

Part 3: Escape to the Clouds

With the Jewel of Yavin in tow, the crew dodge the museum guards and head to a secluded landing pad to escape. However, they are betrayed by the caper's mastermind. Instead of an escape craft, they are met with a hit squad. After dealing with the assassins, they escape into Cloud City only to find that their names and images have been floated as the thieves and are being hunted by the Cloud Guard. They order the Cantina to flee while they make alternative arrangements off Cloud City. Merick contacts Aris Shen about her father's betrayal, something she was told about. She gives them a lift to Nar Shaddaa where they contact Kaltho the Hutt and sell the Jewel of Yavin to him. They find out that Greyson, the Jewel's original owner, was forced to pay the Hutt back and suffer the Jewel's loss and is burning to find the crew.

Debts to Pay

While cooling their heels on Nar Shaddaa waiting for the Cantina to arrive from Ryloth, the crew is summoned by Kaltho the Hutt. Kaltho informs the crew that he running interference with Grayson for their role in stealing the Jewel of Yavin and uses this 'favor' as leverage for the crew to perform a survey of his newly acquired mining facility. The company discovers that not only is the mine in much worse condition then the Hutt was told, they've arrived in the midst of a murderous droid revolt. Quick thinking and careful management allow the company to save the mine and most of the miners. In the end, while not pleased with the mine, Kaltho is again impressed by the thoroughness and unparalleled success of the Cantina crew.

A Legitimate Cause

The Hoth Missions

Hoth: Special Delivery

Totally Legitimate Company is approached by United Shipping about performing the middle portion of a smuggling run, picking up a "dropped" Wayfarer cargo pod and conveying it to a small commercial port near the end of the Corellian Trade Spine. Unfortunately for our heroes, the Imperials caught wind of the shipment and are waiting to spring a trap, forcing the Flaming Cantina to recover the cargo pod under the fire of an Imperial Star Destroyer. Leaking hyper fuel, the Flaming Cantina limps to the burning, bombarded world of Froz to lay low and attempt repairs. The repair proves easy, but the group must scour the city and brave feral service droids to locate a store of fuel with which to refill the tank, finally locating the reserves at a small, high class spaceport that had escaped the worst of the damage. Totally Legitimate Company finishes the delivery in the nick of time, only to find themselves evading another trap. Willing to risk secrecy for the high value cargo they carry, the Rebellion instead leads the Flaming Cantina directly to the Echo Base on the ice world of Hoth.

Hoth: Echo Base

The crew spends catching up on repairs, meeting members of the Rebellion, and planning its next mission. After all, being in the hind end of the galaxy means the Empire can't find them, right?

It's Only A Little Favor

Adventure Pending - Karen

The Perfect Storm

Future Adventure - Mark. As the galactic civil war rages on, General Cracken approaches TLB to use their status as an independent merchant-trader to infiltrate Nyriaan, a Mid-Rim mining world with unique atmosphere conditions that make landings extremely hazardous. The General wants to uncover a suspected Imperial project as well as discover what happened to the two agents sent earlier.

Unnamed Episode

Future episode by Ben.