A Totally Legitimate Timeline

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Star Wars: Edge of the Empire
Edge of the Empire logo.jpg
Game Status
Campaign Concluded
Player XP
The Flaming Cantina
Layout · Cargo · Modifications
Bad Part of Town
Cosmopolitan · Martini · The Shot
Bacta Max · Jarash · Jax Bauer
Merick Tel · "Red" · Zael
NPC Crew
Gwynnel and Jessiel
BS7-SAMI · S1-R1
R2-R9 · 41-VEX · AC Security
Cookie · W-11e · Bric & Brac
The Kids
Yote Reynard · Kerrimapia and Jowdrrl
Nell Davengatt · Wookie Engineers
Walker, Sector Ranger · Tooga the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt · Kaltho the Hutt
Aris Shen · Jedi Master Elaiza
Chief Ereen · Honest Cal
Agent Los · Bounty Hunter Haj
Former Enemies
Teemo & Co · Inquisitor An'ya Fell
Crew Obligations · Crew Duty
House Rules · Adventure Log

Note: Obviously, this is going to take a lot of help from everyone - We've had a lot of games.


The future founders of the Totally Legitimate Company and crew of The Flaming Cantina are brought together by fate and mutual need.

Escape from Mos Shutta

Desperate to get off Tatooine and in trouble with Teemo the Hutt, Red, Jax, Zael and Kashel hatch a plan with the aid the droid S1R1 to steal the light freighter Krayt Fang from the Hutt's number one goon, Trax. During the course of the attempt, they inadvertently steal BS-7 SAMI and overtly steal 41-Vex, as well as recuing Merick and Bacta Max from the bounty hunter's holding cells. Fleeing the planet in their stolen, underfueled transport, the group head to the only planet in the Navcomptuer that's also in range, Ryloth.

Long Arm of the Hutt

Arriving on Ryloth, the group connects with a local resistance group while they try and lay low and figure out how to pull the tracker off of their stolen freighter. The resistance group agrees to aide them in exchange for assistance in conducting a destructive raid on a slave-operated mining facility controlled by none other than Teemo the Hutt.

Totally Legitimate

The first year of the T.L.C. proved to be particularly dynamic, seeing the further expansion of both the ship's crew and the company assets. As the company officers settle into their new positions, secrets are revealed.

Awaiting the Ship

The team have sold both the Krayt Fang and the Krayt Fang II, as well as spent nearly all of their savings to create a clean company with clean bill of ownership on a clean, legally acquired starship. But not all is quiet as they await the slow grind of the legal process.

Trouble Brewing

Starved for cargo, the team have been taking what they can find, which eventually leads them to Farmos, the "finish line" of the Kessel Run. There a damaged droid and a worried Rodian lead cause them to get tangled with a local crime lord. They track him to his asteroid base before infiltrating it, killing him and making off with his cargo and load-lifter droids, Bric and Brak.

Legitimate Troubles

The Jewel of Yavin

(This is going to be a long one.)

Debts to Pay

The company that can be quickly found are summoned by Kaltho the Hutt, who uses his interference with Grayson to leverage the company into performing a survey of his newly acquired mining facility. The company discovers that not only is the mine in much worse condition then the Hutt was told, they've arrived in the midst of a murderous droid revolt. Quick thinking and careful management allow the company to save the mine and most of the miners. In the end, while not pleased with the mine, Kaltho is again impressed by the thoroughness and unparalleled success of the Cantina crew.

A Legitimate Cause


Adventure Pending