Staven Arcturos

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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
Rogue Trader Logo.jpg
Dynastic Power
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
Command Crew
Lord-Captain Drake
Navigator Primus Mordecai
Arch-Millitant Winter
Astropath Solarus
High Factorum August
House Drake Fleet
Aurea Albion
Hound of AlbionAbhorrent
Fortuitous PurposePenance of Iocanthos
Drake Trade Empire
Sepheris SecundusTennenberg
Killian's Rest
Drake Expeditions
Open Missions
Grand Endevours
Svard 1stStormtroopers
House Drake Expeditionary Army
Aerospace CraftGround Vehicles
WargearRelics and Artifacts
Secrets and ContactsAwards and Honors
The Galaxy
Calixis Sector
Koronus ExpansePeriphery Subsector
Peers of the Imperium
Rival Rogue Traders
Rogue Trader Timeline
House Rules
Guide and Lore
Lord Inquisitor Arcturos

Inquisitor Arcturos is a relatively new to the rank of Inquisitor Lord, and is just getting used to operating in an the semi-open, rather then working from the shadows as younger, less prominent inquisitors do. While it is unknown where he bases his operations out of, he does at least keep a few offices on Scintilla for meeting with his acolytes and others of interest. He is known to be of the Ordo Xenos, and use Farseer's runestones, which marks him as a moderate, if not a radical.

Known Acolytes

Interrogator Septimus Strophes

Septimus Strophes is a Throne Agent for Inquisitor Lord Staven Arcturos, as well as a distant cousin of Laurent Strophes. Lord Drake met him on his wedding day, but it was not long before he introduced himself as an agent for the Inquisitor Lord. It was he who brought up the notion, on behalf of Staven Arcturos, of taking a force to the Periphery War and assisting in locating specific xenos threats. In exchange, the Inquisitor would use some of his influence to support Lord Drake's forces and legitimacy for being in the Periphery Subsector with an independent army and fleet.

Once it was time to deploy to the Periphery War, Septimus joined them while serving on board an Arbites frigate. Ostensibly, he was there as a high-ranking Arbitrator to help bring the Lex Imperialis back to the subsector, but his primary goal is to ferret out the secrets of xenos presence.

As a Throne Agent, he ranks as an Interrogator, working as a secret-breaker for Lord Inquisitor Arcturos. Those in the know with Inquisition agents know that he is being groomed to eventually assume the role as a full Inquisitor, following in his Master's footsteps. Being given the lead to hunt down xenos abominations in the chaos of the Periphery War is seen as a test for his ability to command and advance the goals of Ordo Xenos without the traditional support of planetary governments or other arms of the Imperial government.

Team 7-Alpha

Garvin Derleth

A Novice Inquisitorial Acolyte, Garvin's trip into the Koronus Expanse is is first off-Scintilla assignment for Inquisitor Arcturos. He is extremely nervous about proving himself successful in his task and pleasing the Inquisitor. Consequently, he constantly attempts to exert control over matters that he does not begin to understand, in a pattern of micromanagement. From the moment he boarded the vessel, Derleth constantly found new way to make Drake's life more challenging, constantly haranguing the vessel's crew with questions that exposed his complete naiveté regarding Warp travel or Rogue Traders. Prior to his induction as an Acolyte, Derleth was a statistician dedicated to maintaining proper supplies of various ink used by the Administratum offices on Scintilla. A run of extraordinary luck - both good and bad - left him in the midst of a fire fight between an escaped xenos and another group of Inquisitor Arcturos' Acolytes. After he survived the encounter and managed to stumble his way through the debriefing, he was recruited. Over the intervening years, he's been promoted largely due to being the only survivor of several disastrous missions.

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
30 32 28 30 32 40 30 35 35

Skills: Awareness (Per), Blather (Fel), Charm (Fel), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Dodge (Ag), Literacy (Int), Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy), Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (Copyiest)

Talents: Light Sleeper, Paranoia, Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Spirnt, Peer (Administorum), Touched by Fate (4)

Armor: Flak Coat and Breastplate: Arm 3/7, Body 5, Legs 3


  • Bolt Pistol (S/3/-; 2d10+5 X Pen 5; Clip 14; Reload Half; Tearing)
  • Cybernetic Left Arm (Armor bonus included)
  • Autoquill and Notebook

Faydra Mason

The second member of Garvin's current team, Faydra is both more curious and more surreptitious then her nervous team leader. Of the three acolytes, Faydra spent the most time out of the room they had been provided, often disappearing for long stretches of time before returning unexpectedly. Follow up investigations seem to indicate she'd been dropping in, disguised, among the ratings for unknown purposes. Faydra was born among a Death Cult deep in one of hive Sebillus' lower hab blocks, but a crisis of faith in her teenage years caused her to flee the cult. She lived as a theif efore being recruted by Inquisitor Arcturos. Although she lets her team leader to the majority of the talking, she does interject at times with well thought out statements or observations.

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
40 27 35 30 45 31 35 35 25

Skills: Acrobatics (Ag), Carouse (T), Common Lore (War), Concealment (Ag), Contortionist (Ag), Deceive (Fel), Disguise (Fel), Dodge (Ag), Evaluate (Int), Inquiry (Fel), Silent Move (Ag), Search (Per), Shadowing (Ag), Security (Ag); Slight of Hand (Ag)

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Pistol Weapon Training (Las), Catfall, Ambidextrus, Step Aside, Touched by Fate (1)

Armor: Bodysuit: All (3)


  • Las Pistol (S/3/-; 1d10+3 X Pen 0; Clip 30; Reload Full; Reliable)
  • Dueling Saber (1d10+2 R Pen 0; Melee, Balanced +15)
  • Shock Cinquedea (1d10+4 R Pen 3; Melee, Shock)
  • Lockpicks

Serge Grendon

The third and perhaps most mysterious member of Garvin's team, Serge is quiet, contemplative man who seems oddly a peace with whatever insanity is going on around him. He spent the majority of his time in the rooms they were provided, though he did venture out on a regular basis to take part in prayer services. Serge was originaly a lay-tech working in a distant factory of Gunmetal City, until an accedent exposed him to a terrable mutagen. Although his apperance would now frighten many, he had found solice in the Emperor. His survival in the face of such corruption lead to his recuitment into the Inquisition. He has said little in the time you've known him, save for the occasional blessing or tidbit of forgotten lore.

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
35 32 40 40 32 28 39 40 20

Skills: Awareness (Per), Chem-Use (Int), Demolition (Int), Drive (Ag), Interrogation (WP), Medicae (Int), Scrutiny (Per), Tech-Use (Int), Common Lore (Imperial Creed, Adeptus Mechanicus, Technology), Forbidden Lore (Heresy, Mutants)

Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Basic Weapon Training (Slug), Pure Faith, Unshakeable Faith, Armor of Contempt, Chem Geld, Technical Knock, Wrath of the Righteous, Touched by Fate (1)

Armor: Flak Armor: Body, Arms, Legs (4), Head (6)


  • Shotgun (S/-/-; 1d10+4 I Pen 0; Clip 24; Reload 2 Full; Scatter)
  • Power Maul (1d10+9 I Pen 4; Melee, Powerfield, Shocking)
  • Advanced Helmet Systems (Hightened Senses (Sight), Darksight, Magnoculars)