The Hermit of Mirkwood

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The One Ring
Game Time
4th Saturday of the Month
Starting Year
Third Age, 2946
Current Year
Third Age, Summer 2950
The Fellowship
Aegir Wüdsworth
Bilbanes Broadfoot
Theodwin of Woodland Hall
Ulrik Foehammer

The Hermit

The Hermit of Mirkwood had a name once, but he lost it in the dungeons of Dol Guldur. He remembers only parts of his life before the darkness. He was a Woodman, a warrior, a hero. He remembers sun on the trees, the weight of an axe in his hand, the smoke rising from the cooking fires at the end of a long hunt, the warmth of the Great House when the winter winds howled outside. All that was lost when he was captured. For many years he suffered in the dungeons, tormented by Orcs and other horrors.

Then, five years ago, the Shadow was driven from the Hill of Sorcery. The Hermit heard the noise of a tremendous storm overhead, a storm so loud it woke him in his gaol cell deep underground. He found the door was unlocked, and he fled through the endless warren of tunnels until he came to a drain that opened into sunlight. He fled, naked and shrieking and quite quite mad, into the forest, and here he has lived alone since that day.