Drake Trade Empire

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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
Rogue Trader Logo.jpg
Dynastic Power
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
Command Crew
Lord-Captain Drake
Navigator Primus Mordecai
Arch-Millitant Winter
Astropath Solarus
High Factorum August
House Drake Fleet
Aurea Albion
Hound of AlbionAbhorrent
Fortuitous PurposePenance of Iocanthos
Drake Trade Empire
Sepheris SecundusTennenberg
Killian's Rest
Drake Expeditions
Open Missions
Grand Endevours
Svard 1stStormtroopers
House Drake Expeditionary Army
Aerospace CraftGround Vehicles
WargearRelics and Artifacts
Secrets and ContactsAwards and Honors
The Galaxy
Calixis Sector
Koronus ExpansePeriphery Subsector
Peers of the Imperium
Rival Rogue Traders
Rogue Trader Timeline
House Rules
Guide and Lore

House Drake Trade Missions

Trade Missions consist of the worlds or stations on which the House Drake has established a lasting physical presence ranging from a warehouse and office complex to, in the case of Svard, effective ownership of the entire system.

Aurum (Calixis)

Aurum is a feudal world recently "reunited" with the Imperium via Lord Drake's efforts. As a lush garden world, it is rich with natural resources, though underdeveloped to take advantage of them. Its people's warrior ethos are promising for raising potent guard regiments.

  • Key Imports: Industrial equipment to exploit natural resources
  • Key Exports: Raw natural resources, including promethium; guard regiments (potentially)
  • Key Trade Stops:

Footfall (Koronus)

Footfall holds the hub of House Drake's operations in the Koronus Expanse, being the first and last stop in the Expanse, and the major market hub of the region.

  • Key Imports: Everything possible, as it is a series of asteroids chained together and cannot support itself
  • Key Exports: People (crew, pilgrims), ship repair, simple ship components
  • Key Trade Stops: xenos artifacts, advanced manufactured goods, Archeotech, slaves

Port Wander (Calixis)

Port Wander guards the far end of the Maw from Footfall, serving much the same purpose, though with better facilities and stronger trade routes. House Drake’s offices here serve as the center for his Calixis Sector operations.

  • Key Imports: Everything possible, as an amalgamated space station.
  • Key Exports: People (crew, pilgrims), ship repair, complex ship components
  • Key Trade Stops: advanced manufactured goods, Archeotech

Sepheris Secundus (Calixis)

After securing the release of a rogue Baron from prison and dealing with a minor mutant problem, the Drake Dynasty leveraged its considerable resources to back the newly reinstated Baron's modernization and development plans. Rumor has it the Queen is secretly supporting the Baron's programs as well.

  • Key Imports: Food, Manufactured Goods, High Luxuries
  • Key Exports: Rare Minerals
  • Key Trade Stops: None

Tennenberg (Calixis)

As reward for both settling the civil war and placing a new House on the throne, House Drake was granted a small block of extra-territorial property from which to trade. Sepheris Secundus is wealthy in mineral resources, and imports a wide variety of equipment needed to keep its operations going.

  • Key Imports: Advanced manufactured goods, Luxuries
  • Key Exports: Minerals, Industrial Machinery
  • Key Trade Stops: Food

Svard (Koronus)

A colony settled by the Drake Dynasty in centuries past. Recently reclaimed for House Drake after being purged of the Whisperer menace and its manufacturing operations restarted. As a key source of promethium in the Koronus Expanse, Svard is well-placed to become an important trade resource.

  • Key Imports: Food (grain, vegetable), advanced manufactured goods, industrial machinery
  • Key Exports: Promethium (Regular, Plasma grade), manufactured goods, Food (meat)
  • Key Trade Stops: None.

Trade Agreements


Damaris recently fended off an Ork Waagh! with considerable assistance provided by House Drake which included: fortifications for the capital city; a commitment of its own troops and ships; organization of a sanctioned Crusade to protect a shrine of St. Drusus; and the assistance and cooperation of fellow Rogue Traders as well as an Imperial Navy captain. For its leadership in its time of need, Damaris has opened up ports to House Drake with considerable trading rights.

  • Key Imports: Luxuries, advanced manufactured goods
  • Key Exports: Manufactured goods, food


A feral world with a psychic-based storm system in the atmosphere that makes it nearly impossible to land to or take off from the planet. Made contact with a priestess with psyker powers that let her control the psychic storms. The natives believe in a diety called the 'Sky-Father', which House Drake (particularly Winter) convinced her was the God-Emperor and that House Drake were his emissaries. House Drake provided an initial supply of its older equipment (poor quality shotguns and flak armor) in order for their favoured tribe to wage war against the other tribes and bring the world under her rule.

  • Key Imports: Weaponry; potentially manufactured goods, food
  • Key Exports: None yet; potentially a source of warrior troops for conscription, Salvage and/or Xeno Artifacts

Karlak (Calixus)

A Fortress-world and main staging point for the Periphery War, located along the major Warp route into the sub-sector. Completely taken over by the Adeptus Administratum to process war assets. House Drake has established a small office within the Quartermaster's wing to help process 'excess' resources and bring in those in short supply.

  • Key Imports: Everything that can be used for the war, ship components and parts
  • Key Exports: xenos artifacts, rations for war effort
  • Key Trade Stops: Regiments, anything the Departmento Munitorium manages, ships


A desert planet with a native population of heathens and a peculiar source of drug-water that's highly valued in Imperial Worlds. House Drake has made arrangements the natives to remove the Ecclesiarchy presence in one of its cities in exchange for trade of the drug-water. The missionaries were relocated to the far side of the planet as a result. House Drake arranged to arm both the King-Priests (natives) and the missionaries with weaponry, and is providing fortifications support for the missionaries. This has helped the House's standing with the Ecclesiarchy, at least within the Koronus Expanse.

  • Key Imports: Weapons technology for both sides, fortifications for missionaries
  • Key Exports: Drug-water


A strange world of battling, roving hives. House Drake made contact with the hive city Indestructible and came to good terms with Elder-Tactician Graves.

  • Key Imports: Advanced Weaponry, manufactured goods, promethium
  • Key Exports: Basic Weaponry, Advanced Macrocannons

Various Calixis Worlds

House Drake also possesses a number of nominal trade agreements with several worlds in the Calixis sector, which forms the base of the Drake fortune. Although nothing spectacular, these plodding charter captains along well established routes do provide a steady source of income. These routes are swapped and traded among Rogue Traders and Merchant Guilds like currency.