Conventus Muri

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
Other Characters
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Chart of Languages Spoken
Notable Animals
Hortense of House Bonisagus
The Covenant
Covenant Charter · Membership Record
Record of Offices · Covenant Service
Council Voting Records · Hermetic Politics
Stonehenge Tribunal
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Village of Melverley · Melverley Castle
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Medieval Farming
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Hospital · Hospital Library
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Ars Magica House Rules
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Player Resources (PDFs)
Experience Point Worksheet
Character Sheet (Variant 1)
Character Sheet (Variant 2)
Experience Point Chart

Back to Stonehenge Tribunal

Symbol: A section of fortified Roman wall
Motto: Murus adhuc perstat ("The Wall Still Stands")
Season: Late Summer
Aura: Magical 5
Founded: A.D. 1130
Magi: 9 (4 Flambeau, 1 Verditius, 2 Jerbiton, 1 Guernicus, 1 Ex Miscellanea)

Conventus Muri (Covenant of the Wall) is a late summer covenant just south of Hadrian's Wall, which separates the Stonehenge from the Loch Leglean Tribunal. Politically active, it keeps abreast and meddles in affairs on both sides of the border and always votes at Tribunal. Eight magi make up its membership. Lending them a decidedly militant and judicial mein is the fact that the covenant currently houses four Hoplites and, more recently, two Quaesitores.

Within the Tribunal, they have an aggressive, if fair, reputation by taking it upon themselves to enforce decisions at Tribunal and protecting the Order. In the Loch Leglean Tribunal, however, the covenant is viewed as an enemy, albeit a powerful one. And while they have made enemies within Stonehenge, they also have allies; particularly those who see their activies as one way to ensure the good behaviour of their fellow magi, and protecting England from raids of the Lowland covenants, ensuring peace.


Conventus Muri was founded in the first half of the 12th century by a group of young magi seeking to establish themselves from the more established covenants that they did their apprenticeship, not unlike many other covenants. Where Conventus Muri was different, was the relatively congenial relations that the covenant magi had with one another, and with the local mundane population. With a Jerbiton to smooth things over, a Bonisagus that was a prolific writer, a Verditius whose greatest joy was creating things, many of which went to improving and building the covenant itself and a fair-minded, honourable Flambeau, the covenant rose rapidly through Spring and into Summer.

They were in no small part buoyed by several covenants of Stonehenge who saw them more as a buffer from the vengeful attacks of covenants in Loch Leglean, such as Horsingas, filled with Saxon magi who see the Normans as usurpers. Indeed, Muri has absorbed more of these Saxon magi's attacks as it grew more powerful and prominent in the Stonehenge Tribunal. It is said that Muri's inhabitants' devotion to the covenant and to their magi is what helped Muri through their Spring years against a more mature covenant like Horsingas.

As can be expected, the founders took apprentices, many of whom stayed to build on and perpetuate the covenant's successes. From their earliest days as an apprentice, loyalty and comraderie were instilled in them that mimicked their paters'.

In more recent times, the founders succumbed to Twilight or died, leaving the youngest founder, Aduro of Flambeau, as the defacto leader. Under his stewardship, he guided the covenant towards the goal of being a bastion of the Order, providing strength and leadership in the Tribunal against the lawlessness and raiding of the Loch Leglean Tribunal. Though not an archmagus, his reputation drew fellow Hoplites and Quaesitores to his camp who shared his view.


The covenant was founded on the ruins of a former Roman fortress, one of the strongholds that defended Hadrian's Wall from the Picts. Fortunately for the covenant the wall fared better than the fortress, and is still quite defensible, giving the covenant a tactical advantage, particularly because the fortress sits on top of a gentle hill.

The main compound houses the majority of the covenants' residents, including the magi. Surrounding this compound is a sturdy wall, the north side of which actually using a section of Hadrian's Wall itself. Two watch towers assist with the defense of the walls, giving the guards a clear view of every approach to the covenant.

Within the walls are smaller buildings, including stables, barracks and other structures for various specialists who reside within the covenant.

Of particular note within the covenant is the impressive Hall that houses Council Meetings and other official business by the covenant. Carefully crafted and filled with beautiful artwork, it is often a point of pride among the covenant inhabitants. For visiting magi, the library, similiarly decorated and home for hundreds of tomes and scrolls, is reason for jealousy. Muri's library is well-stocked as well as filled with a number of minor magical items to keep the books in top shape. (Room warmers, magical lighting to prevent fires, comfortable and well-crafted desks and stools to study, knowledgeable librarians, humidity control to prevent rotting, etc.)


Hermetic visitors, whether or not they are expected, are always welcomed into the covenant, and met by the autocrat to be shown into the guest rooms while one of the magi is fetched. In any given season, there is a magus assigned to the responsibility of greeting all guests, Hermetic or mundane. The covenant's Jerbiton magi frequently volunteer for this honour, and are accorded additional resources (vis, silver, use of covenfolk) in return for their time.

Additionally, there is always at least one magus who holds the post of Dictator, and is responsible for the defense of the covenant should it come under attack. Sometimes, these duties are combined with the greeter position above.

Among the magi, there are two ranks, creating a shallow hierarchy. Senior magi, currently consisting of Aduro, Lucidius, Merriden and Perditia, each have two votes during the Council, and have precedence in matters concerning resource allocation, seasons for one's self, and so on. Junior magi, currently Swan, Cathoire, Henry and Justinian, are accorded one vote at council, and come second to senior magi if resources must be shared.

It must be noted, however, that the distinction between the two ranks is rarely an issue, as otherwise all magi have the same rights and responsibilities. A junior magus may be elevated to senior magus status by vote of senior magi at Council. This is generally done after 10 years with the covenant, or when more than 10 seasons have been dedicated to covenant business. Any magus wishing to join the covenant must petition the council, who will then weigh the candidate's character and loyalty to the Order. This is how Cathaoire, Justinian and Henry were adopted into the covenant. Presently, there is room for 2 more magi to live in the covenant.

Magi wishing to study or scribe in the covenant's library are charged 3 pawns of vis per season that they stay, 5 pawns for half a year and a rook for a whole year. Currently, the covenant can also provide labs for magi who are 'passing through' and need to stop and brush up on their skills. (Flambeau magi are particularly fond of doing this.) There is typically a nominal charge for this. The covenant will occasionally accept silver, magical items or books that improve its library instead of vis.


Using the Heirs to Merlin descriptors of magi ages:

young = 0 - 30 years from Gauntlet
mature = 20 - 70 years from Gauntlet
elder = 50 - 100 years from Gauntlet
ancient = 100+ years from Gauntlet

Magi names are given in their latin form, including House.


Lector Bonisagi, Lapsed into Final Twilight, Founder
Specialties (Vim, Strong Writer)

Lector was a bibliophile non-pareil, and was obsessed with writing everything down so that his work would be preserved. His lab work was of average quality, but his books were frequently masterpieces of prose. He was a strong writer and had a way of elucidating even obscure topics, such as Vim, which was his known specialty. Many of the books in the library are his doing, which cover not only Arts and spells, but also lab notes. Bonisagi who visit are known to study his lab notes for ideas. He passed into Final Twilight during a botched lab experiment.

He had one apprentice, Scriptor, who moved out not long after his Gauntlet to help found another covenant.

Morinden Verditii, Lapsed into Final Twilight, Founder
Specialties (Terram)

Almost single-handedly responsible for the covenant's buildings, Morinden was a Terram specialist whose skills in stoneworking helped build the fortress that the covenant enjoys today. Using the techniques of Verditius magi, he created items to make the covenant both easier to defend and more comfortable to live in for mundanes, helping foster a sense of loyalty that still endures today. He, too, passed into Twilight in the lab.

He had one apprentice, Merriden, who still lives at the covenant. (See below.)

Claude Jerbitoni, deceased, Founder
Specialities (Imaginem, Mentem)

Claude was the son of a landed knight and raised with the expectation of becoming a knight like his father, as he was unlikley to inheirit anything with several brothers ahead of him. He was found to be Gifted, and brought up in the Jerbiton tradition of building links and friendship between those in the Order and those in society. Claude's contributions to the covenant included the signing of several treaties and agreements with the local nobility, fostering tolerance and even cooperation. Because the covenant uses its forces to stop raiders from the Lowlands, the local nobility has granted the lands to the covenant.

Ironically, for one whose legacy was that of peace and co-operation, Claude was killed during a raid. The covenant suspects it was Horsingas, but could not find proof.

He had one apprentice, Lucidius. See below.

Aduro Ultor Flambonis filius Conflagarus, ancient magus, Founder
Hoplite, Apromorite (Perdo)

Meeting Aduro, it is easy to see why he has a reputation of being a fair, staltwart warrior of the order. Even as an elder magus, he stands tall with an imposing presence and seems at ease with authority. He holds himself to high standards and expects his filii, if not the covenant, to maintain them. Honour and loyalty to the Order are paramount to him. This does not make him insensitive, though, and indeed is quite at ease with mundanes and mundane life. He is known to disappear and wander for some time before returning, personally experiencing life instead of receiving it through reports. He tries to pass on these values to his apprentices. As he is the sole remaining founder, he is given great respect by the other magi. Perditia occasionally pressures him to achieve archmagus status. While a worthy challenge, it is not something he considers more important than his duties to covenant, House and Order.

Aduro has an apprentice, Sarah, who has only completed 5 of the 15 years required. His first apprentice was Perditia, listed below. His second apprentice was Magni, Gauntleted in 1219 and who has since joined Nova Semitae. Both he and Sarah were being trained concurrently. Sarah was subsequently Gauntleted in 1230.

Second Generation

Lucidius Jerbitoni filius Claude, elder magus
Specialties (Imaginem)

Filius of the founder Claude, Lucidius has taken over much of the responsibility in continuing good relations with the neighbours. Over the years, this has required creative uses of Imaginem to ensure that the nobility don't notice his lack of aging. The manner of Claude's death has cemented his loyalty to covenant, as he sees it as his duty to carry on the work of his late pater.

He has had one apprentice, Swan, who he is grooming to replace him as the covenant's mundane contact so he can retire to discuss philosophy and literature with his House.

Merriden Ultor Verditii filius Morinden, elder magus
Hoplite, Specialties (Terram, Vim)

Merriden has carried on the tradition of creating items for the covenant, inheiriting his pater's affinity in Terram, although Merriden's craft skills lie more with tools than buildings. He has crafted and enchanted weapons that grogs use, allowing them to fight more effectively. He is also the lover of Perditia of Flambeau and himself a Hoplite -- his natural strength and array of magical items certainly lend to becoming a potent warrior when speed and fatigue are limitations of a magus' power. His demeanour is easy-going and is frequently seen in the covenant's smithy working with the mundane blacksmith.

Merriden has yet to take an apprentice.

Perditia Ultrix Flambonis filia Aduro, elder maga
Hoplite, Apromorite (Perdo)

First apprentice of Aduro, Perditia was raised with much of the same manner and outlook on duty as her reknowned pater, though she herself tends to have a less patient manner with perceived threats. She is often counselled to patience by those she respects, something she strives to do, though not always with success. She is a Hoplite, defender of the Order and a frequent traveller in the British Isles, rooting out trouble and joining with Quaesitores to investigate complaints and Hermetic crimes, lending her potent magic to enforcing the Code.

She is currently in search of an apprentice to succeed her, but often provides advice and help in raising Sarah, her 'sister' under Aduro, into the Hermetic fold.

As of 1233, Perditia has an apprentice, a young boy named Ricard.

Third Generation

Swan Ultrix Jerbitoni filia Lucidius, young maga
Hoplite, Specialities (Animal, Corpus)

Swan is the first magus of the '3rd generation' of magi to live at the covenant. She was raised at a time when Claude was set upon and killed by bandits. Incensed that the bandits of Horsingas could get away with such blatant violation of the Code, she began to take after the remaining Founder, and strove to become a Hoplite. Her pater was not terribly pleased at the move, preferring diplomacy over force, but could do little once she became a full maga in her own right. She is putting up some resistance at succeeding Lucidius as the covenant's mundane contact, but is slowly beginning to see where she might be able to help protect the covenant in that role. Swan has a love-hate relationship with Henry, a magus who arrived at the covenant in the year she was Gauntleted.

Sarai Flambonis filia Aduro, young maga
Apromorite (Perdo)

Sarah is Aduro's second apprentice and an impressionable girl. Between her pater and Perditia's influence, there is little doubt that Sarah will follow in her pater's footsteps. She pushes herself to prove her worthiness as an apprentice, and frequently confers with any of the magi who will speak to her about her questions. She is a favourite recipient of letters from Perditia when the older maga is on the road, drinking in the tales of news from the country. She hopes to one day be able to wander on her own. Sarah is but 15, and only 5 years into her apprenticeship.

Sarah was Gauntleted in 1230 and presented at the 1236 Tribunal as a full maga with the Sarai.

Admitted Magi

Cathaoire Quaesitor Ex Miscellanea, mature maga
Quaesitor, Specialities (Intellego)

Cathaoire is a maga from the Hibernian Tribunal who has moved to Stonehenge in hopes of finding a covenant who might appreicate an Ex Miscellanea maga that respects the Order as any latin magus would. She is fully Hermetic in terms of her training, as she descends from the lineage of Pralix, founder of House Ex Miscellanea-- a point she emphasizes whenever disparaged as a 'hedge wizard'. To that end, she applied herself to learning and promoting Hermetic interests and earned standing as a Quaesitor, one of the few from her House, despite it being the largest in the Order. She met Perditia during an investigation. Perditia, impressed that they shared similar attitudes, (and recalling her friendship with the magus Stian Ex Miscellanea) invited her to stay at Conventus Muri. She eventually was admitted as a junior member 9 years ago.

Justinian Quaesitor Guernicii, young magus
Quaesitor, Specialities (Mentem)

Justinian, like Henry, was drawn by the reputation of Aduro when he called for like-minded magi to come join in at Conventus Muri. When he arrived, he was not far out of Gauntlet and was invited to join other young magi to found a covenant in Hibernia. He decided to decline and join a more established covenant that was willing to let him in on recommendation of his pater. As the second Quaesitor, he splits investigative duties with Cathaoire. The two have developed a friendly competitive streak to see who can solve cases faster, something Cathaoire views with amusement from the younger magus.

Henry Flambonis, young magus Specialities (Ignem) Arrived: 1195

A young magus looking to make his mark in the world, Henry was attracted to the covenant by the reputations of the inhabitants. He looks up to his elders, knowing that he would like to raise his standing with them. He is undecided whether to pursue becoming a Hoplite, as is typical in his House, or a Quaesitor. He is young, however, and bides his time by applying himself to his studies and carrying out his assigned duties conscienciously. He has developed a love-hate relationship with Swan, a maga of similar age. When they met, they got off to the wrong foot and while the misunderstanding has long since been cleared, it set the tone of their relationship ever since. They try not to squabble too loudly when other magi are around, however.