Talk:Grand Endevours

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Revision as of 03:44, 21 March 2024 by Sixtus quinn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lycurgos Station What's needed: Intelligence on the station, how many troops are onboard, the state of repair to the station, status of defensive systems, and the status of the Adeptus Mechanicus. A boarding force to take the station, at minimum looking at 100k troops. What we know: The Lycurgos is effectively a Ramilies-class Star Fort. These are massive, comprised of five different sections. Four "arms" extending from a main "tower". Each section has it's own indepen...")
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Lycurgos Station

What's needed: Intelligence on the station, how many troops are onboard, the state of repair to the station, status of defensive systems, and the status of the Adeptus Mechanicus. A boarding force to take the station, at minimum looking at 100k troops.

What we know: The Lycurgos is effectively a Ramilies-class Star Fort. These are massive, comprised of five different sections. Four "arms" extending from a main "tower". Each section has it's own independent defenses. These can be macrobatteries, lance batteries, and hangar bays for attack craft. Each section also has it's own void shield. These forts are the toughest nuts to crack that the Imperium has, which is why they're typically used as Forward Repair/Re-Arm/Resupply bases for the Imperial Navy. This fort orbits a planet, and is either in Low Orbit or part of it's orbit dips into Low Orbit. The planet it orbits supplies the fort with food, but a fort of this size would easily have it's own (albeit limited) food production. So cutting off food from the fort isn't viable. This station could have up to two million people on it, but likely doesn't because civilian trading has been scared off from the station.

Proposals: Plan A is to turn the Adeptus Mechanicus on the station to our side. They could cut power to the station, which would allow for an uncontested boarding (at least without being shot at on the way in). Plan B would be to acquire an Atomic warhead to detonate nearby the station when it's Low Orbit, thus subjecting it to an Electromagnetic Pulse (this would also subject the planet below to same EMP over a wide region, possibly damaging infrastructure). The (hopefully) disabled station then would be open to being boarded.

In addition, Winter has proposed that should the station be taken and Drake lay claim to it, that the difficulty would not be in taking the station, but in keeping it. The Star Knights chapter could possibly be open to assisting House Drake in that endeavor, likely for using a part of the station for repairing and resupplying the chapter fleet.