Vim Lab Texts

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
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Animal Lab Texts Aquam Lab Texts Auram Lab Texts Corpus Lab Texts Herbam Lab Texts
Ignem Lab Texts Imaginem Lab Texts Mentem Lab Texts Terram Lab Texts Vim Lab Texts

Vim Lab Texts


Note: These are untranslated, unless indicated.


  • Kiss of Twilight (CrVi 20), [Aulus of Bonisagus]


  • Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5), [Aulus of Bonisagus, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Sense of Magical Power (InVi 5), [Neanne of Verditius, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Sense of Faerie Power (InVi 5), [Neanne of Verditius, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Sense of Divine Power (InVi 5), [Neanne of Verditius, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Sense of Infernal Power (InVi 5), [Neanne of Verditius, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Scales of Magical Weight (InVi 5), [Neanne of Verditius, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20), [Aulus of Bonisagus, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Piercing the Divine Veil (InVi 20), [Aulus of Bonisagus, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Piercing the Infernal Veil (InVi 20) [Translated by Obscurus Ignis]
  • Piercing the Magical Veil (InVi 20) [Translated by Magni]
  • Walking the Path through the Magical Veil (InVi(CrIm) 20), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Commune with Mercury (InVi 20), [Translated by Magni of Flambeau]
    • This ritual, cast within a consecrated temple of Mercury, allows the character to communicate in their mind with the god Mercury; or at least someone claiming that he is.
    • The god exists somewhere in the Magic realm and seemingly has no knowledge of Mythic Europe since the adoption of Christianity by the Emperor Constantine in 313 AD, and has only a hazy understanding of Mythic Europe under the pagan Roman Empire. The god is conscious and if contacted several times he remembers the earlier contacts, although he seems to experience the passage of time differently from the characters. Depending on the needs of your saga, the god could have an agenda, such as the re-establishment of a pagan empire or the recovery of artifacts. Alternatively, the god may not care much at all about the world and activities of the player characters.
    • Note that this ritual does not need to Penetrate to have an effect.
    • R: Personal, D: Concentration, T: Individual, Ritual (Base Effect, non-Hermetic)


  • Wizard's Communion (MuVi 10), [Neanne of Verditius]
  • Wizard's Communion (MuVi 20), [Neanne of Verditius]


  • Lesser Severing of the Arcane Tie (PeVi 10) [Translated by Obscurus Ignis]
  • Impotence of the Faerie (PeVi 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Agony of the Faerie (PeVi 15), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of Aquam (PeVi(Aq) 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of Auram (PeVi(Au) 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of Corpus (PeVi(Co) 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of Ignem (PeVi(Ig) 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of Imaginem (PeVi(Im) 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of Mentem (PeVi(Me) 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of Terram (PeVi(Te) 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Hammer of Thaumaturgical Shattering (PeVi 15), [Neanne of Verditius]
  • Unravelling the Fabric of the Fae (PeVi 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 5), [Aulus of Bonisagus, Translated by Magni]
  • Demon's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 10), [Aulus of Bonisagus, Translated by Magni]
  • Wind of Mundane Silence (PeVi 15), [Aulus of Bonisagus]


  • Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15), [Aulus of Bonisagus]
  • Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 15), [Notatus of Bonisagus]
  • Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 20), [Neanne of Verditius]
  • Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 30), [Neanne of Verditius]
  • Circular Ward against Demons (ReVi 20), [Julissa of Criamon, Translated by Veloxia]
  • Circular Ward against Fae (ReVi 20), [Julissa of Criamon]
  • Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork (ReVi 25), [Neanne of Verditius]


  • Doorway Through the Veil of Realities (untranslated)
InVi 30
Originally designed by Neanne of Veridius, a doorway made of relatively common hazelwood serves as a means to access a Magic regio. Works for one person at a time, but can access multiple regiones if present. Intended for uses at Varana's tower in order to get access to the tower without having to fly/climb to the top floor and enter from the roof.
Base: Piercing the Magical Veil InVi 20, +10 levels for unlimited uses/day
Shape/Material bonuses: Doorway (movement through doorway +7), hazel wood (divination +3)

Spell Descriptions

The Kiss of Twilight, CrVi 20

R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
Causes the target to gain two Warping Points. If the target is Gifted, it triggers a Twilight episode.
(Base 10, +2 voice)

Piercing the Divine Veil, InVi 20

R: Personal, D: Concentration, T: Vision
This is a variant of Piercing the Faerie Veil, except for Divine regios.

Walking the Path through the Magical Veil, InVi(CrIm) 20

R: Personal, D: Concentration, T: Vision
This is a variant of Piercing the Faerie Veil that creates a visible path to help guide the magus and any companions through the regio boundary.

Unravelling the Fabric of (Form), PeVi(Form) 10

R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
The spell will cancel the effects of any one spell of the specified Form equal to spell level + 10 + stress die (no botch)
(Base effect, +2 voice)

Lesser Severing of the Arcane Tie, PeVi 10

R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Individual
Reduce the duration of an Arcane Connection by one degree.
(Base effect 5, +1 touch)

Hammer of Thaumaturgical Shattering, PeVi 15

R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
The spell will cancel the effects of any one Vim spell equal to 15 + stress die (no botch). This is the same as Unravelling the Fabric of (Form), but has a spell name Neanne gave it.
(Base effect, +2 voice)

Unravelling the Form of the Fae, PeVi 10

R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
The spell will cancel the effects of any one spell or effect created by a faerie equal to spell level + 10 + stress die (no botch)
(Base effect, +2 voice)

Agony of the Faerie, PeVi 15

R: Voice, D: Diameter, T: Individual
Causes the individual faerie to lash about wildly, upsetting nearby objects as the faerie howls in great pain. In order to do anything else, the faerie must make a Stamina + Size stress roll of 9+ each round.
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 Diameter; c.f. Agony of the Beast, PeAn 15)

Impotence of the Faerie, PeVi 10

R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual
Weakens and possibly destroys a faerie. If the spell penetrates the faerie's magic resistance, the faerie loses 10 Might.
(Base effect, +2 Voice; c.f. Demon's Eternal Oblivion)