ST Stunts

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Star Trek: Episodes
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U.S.S. Lovell
Lt. Boyington · Lt. Montjoy
Dr. Tisare (Lt.) · Lt. T'pring
Cmdr. T’Paloran · Placeholder
Aspects · Approaches · Stunts
Episode Guide · Notes

Stunts are the tricks up your sleeve. While far more specific than Aspects, they do not require a fate point to activate.

Bonus Stunts

These stunts follow three basic formulas:

  • [Speciality]: Gain +2 when performing [Approch] when [particular circumstance or Sub-Approch].
  • [Focus]: Gain +2 when performing [Attack, Advantage, Overcome, Defend] when [particular circumstance]
  • [Secondary Insight]: When performing an [Attack, Advantage, Overcome, Defend] and [particular circumstance], make a [Attack, Advantage, Overcome] action as well.

Per-Session Stunts

These stunts allow the character, once per session, to perform some particular narrative feat. (e.g. I have an incredible wealth of knowledge, once per session, I can produce a fact of relevance to the situation.)