Galen Sank

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Cyberpunk Red: Night City Stories
2045 A.D.
170 IP
Galen "Doc" Sank
Kia "Spruce"
Simone (Sy) "Mover" Yang
Thomas "Cabbie" Connely
Tovera "Drakka" Vash
Zaahira "Lemon Drop" Idrissi
Saiya Nakajima, Fixer
Cheat Sheet
Galen Sank in Night City

Galen grew up in Night City during its tumultuous years, partially insulated by his parents' corporate positions. They were solidly middle management and he grew up comfortably in a corporate-provided condo. Although it was a megastructure, it had clean air, a place to play outdoors and decent childcare. He was a single child, as his parents couldn't justify bringing up another child in world going through such serious change at the time.

The 4th Corporate Wars were the start of Galen's downfall into his present situation. The pocket nuke that went off in 2023 killed his parents, who were at work in the downtown core at the time. Instantly orphaned, he was made a ward of the Corporation, who suddenly found themselves responsible for paying out an enormous life insurance payout from the sudden death of so many of its employees. As part of a settlement, they took on responsibility for caring for and educating children like Galen. They eventually viewed it as a recruitment opportunity, and spent years moulding young minds to be good corporate workers.

For his part, Galen withdrew as the shock of the sudden loss of his parents hit him. He threw himself into his studies, successfully graduating high school, university, and then medical school. Of course, the latter two schools were expensive and were provided with the understanding that he would work for the Corporation (Caesar Permanente Healthcare Consortium) for a number of years, which is where is now. He staffs a smaller office, Clinic No. 73, which is conveniently located next to one of the Corporation's warehouses which supplies many of the other CPHC Night City clinics.

Of course, the terms of his "debt repayment" have meant that his salary is exceptionally low for a doctor. He has barely been able to keep a roof over his head in the form of a Cargo Container in a suburb in the Watson District.

Over the years, he cultivated friendships with many his fellow asians living in the vicinity. Eventually, he was approached with a plea to help a child with a much-needed blood filter implant to correct her poorly functioning kidney. A brand-new implant would cost far more than the family could afford, but if they weren't too picky about the source of the implant, one could be picked up on the black market for an amount that would put them in debt, but be affordable. Galen offered his services for free in order to save the child, performing the operation after-hours at the clinic.

In time, he developed a reputation for helping those people obtain healthcare they couldn't otherwise afford, often using the clinic as the location for these operations and therputic sessions. And while he never stole expensive gear from CPHC, corporate beancounters began to notice that the clinic seemed to be using more consumables, drugs, and PPE than expected. And if there's one thing corporate tightwads can't stand, it's lowered profit margins.


Galen Sank in Night City


Personality: Intellectual and detached

Motivation: Knowledge

General Cultural Region: North American Asian

Clothing Style: Businesswear (Leadership, Presence, Authority)

Hairstyle: Neat and short

Affectation You Are Never Without: Strange contacts


Languages: English, Street Slang

Your Original Family Background: Corporate Technicians. Middle-middle class, with comfortable conapts or Beaverville suburban homes, minivans and corporate-run technical schools. Kind of like living 1950s America crossed with 1984.

Childhood Environment: In a huge "megastructure" building controlled by a Corp or the City.

Your Family Crisis: Your family vanished. You are the only remaining member.

How Do You Feel About Most People?: I stay neutral.

Most Valued Person in Your Life?: Yourself

Most Valued Possession You Own?: A piece of jewelry

Your Life Goals: Save, if possible, anyone else involved in your background, like a lover, or family member.

What Kind of Medtech are You?: General Practitioner

Got a Partner, or Do You Work Alone?: Work Alone

What's Your Workspace Like?: Meticulously organized, sharpened, and sterilized.

Who are Your Main Clients?: Local Nomads and Fixers who bring you wounded clients.

Where Do You Get Your Supplies?: You have a backdoor into a few Corporate or Hospital warehouses.


Juanita Lopez


Ex-girlfriend, currently committed or confined

Your lover went insane or cyberpsycho. Reasons for sudden psychosis unclear. Galen was the one who had to sign the medical order to have her committed.

Burney Humphreys

Enemy - Boosterganger

What Caused it? Who's been Wronged?

Healed some people they would've preferred died.

What Can They Throw at You?

Organized crime organization (small)

What are You/They Gonna do About it?

Avoid the scum.

Liam Sailors

Enemy - Government Officials

What Caused it? Who's been Wronged?

Friend to corporate executive (Ron Malo) who is benefiting from "Medicare" services that is being undercut by Galen offering free services using corporate supplies.

What Can They Throw at You?

The law.

What are You/They Gonna do About it?

Interfere when it's inconvenient

Ron Malo

Enemy - Caesar Permanente Healthcare Consortium (Corporate Exec), Vice-President of Medicare Services

What Caused it? Who's been Wronged?

A petty, control freak penny pincher who suspects "misallocated" medical resources at the clinic. As the VP in charge of collecting money from the government to dispense Medicare services, he's wondering why Galen's clinic seems to be collecting less than expected.

What Can They Throw at You?

HR to start, and corporate bureaucracy. Then maybe the authorities.

What are You/They Gonna do About it?

Try to fly under the radar.



8 6 6 7 5 5 7 5 7 3(6)
Medtech 170 110 36/60

Special Ability: Medicine (4)

Medtechs keep people alive who should be dead with their knowledge and training. In the Time of the Red, they are as much mechanics as they are doctors, caring for people who are oftentimes more machine than human. The Medtech Role Ability is Medicine. Whenever the Medtech increases their Medicine Rank, they also choose one of the following three Medicine Specialties (Surgery, Medical Tech [Pharmaceuticals], or Medical Tech [Cryosystem Operation]) to allocate 1 point to.

The Medical Section contains additional uses for both the Surgery and Medical Tech Skills, which are only available to Medtechs through this Role Ability (See pg. 226). These include Cyberware installation and harvesting, Bodysculpting, and Therapy!

Surgery (2)

For every point you allocate to Surgery, you gain 2 points in the Surgery Skill (up to a maximum of 10). The Surgery Skill is the TECH Skill used to treat the most severe Critical Injuries, as well as implant cyberware, and is only available to Medtechs through this Medicine Specialty.

Medical Tech: Pharmaceuticals (2)

For every point you allocate to Medical Tech (Pharmaceuticals), you gain 1 point in the Medical Tech Skill (up to a maximum of 10). The Medical Tech Skill is the TECH Skill used to operate, understand, and repair (as other non-vehicle Tech Skills) medical machinery. This Skill is only available to Medtechs, and only through either this Medicine Specialty or Cryosystem Operation. You can only put a maximum of 5 points into this specialty.

Each time you allocate a point into Pharmaceuticals you also gain access to one of the following pharmaceuticals, which your Character can synthesize by rolling a DV13 Medical Tech Check, wasting the materials used on a failure. A Medtech can make a number of doses from 200eb of materials equal to their Medical Tech Skill in 1 hour. You can't synthesize Street Drugs with Medical Tech (Pharmaceuticals).

Applying a single dose of a drug to a target takes an Action. If the target is unwilling, the Medtech can use their Action to attempt to make a single Melee Weapon Attack with their Airhypo against the target, that administers a single dose to their target on a hit instead of dealing damage.

A Character who is not a Medtech cannot administer Pharmaceuticals correctly. These aren't Street Drugs, they require training to get the medically correct proportions.

Pharmaceutical Effect
Antibiotic When injected with a dose of Antibiotic, a target who has already started the natural healing process heals an extra 2 Hit Points every day for a week. A person can only benefit from one use of Antibiotic at a time.
Rapidetox When injected with a dose of Rapidetox, a target who is affected by a drug, poison, or intoxicant is immediately purged of the effects of that substance.
Speedheal When injected with a dose of Speedheal, a target who is not in the Mortally Wounded Wound State immediately heals an amount of HP equal to their BODY + WILL. A person can only benefit from one use of Speedheal per day.
Stim When injected with a dose of Stim, a target can ignore all penalties from being in the Seriously Wounded Wound State for an hour. A person can only benefit from one use of Stim per day.
Surge When injected with a dose of Surge, a target can function unimpaired without sleep for a full 24 hours. A person can only benefit from one use of Surge per week.

Medical Tech: Cryosystem Operation (0)

For every point you allocate to Medical Tech (Cryosystem Operation), you gain 1 point in the Medical Tech Skill (up to a maximum of 10). The Medical Tech Skill is the TECH Skill used to operate, understand, and repair (as other non-vehicle Tech Skills) medical machinery. This Skill is only available to Medtechs, and only through either this Medicine Specialty or Pharmaceuticals. You can only put a maximum of 5 points into this specialty.

When you allocate points into Cryosystem Operation you also gain a benefit as detailed below:

Level Benefit
1 With 1 point in Cryosystem Operation you gain one Cryopump.
2 With 2 points in Cryosystem Operation you become a Registered Cryotank Technician and gain unlimited 24/7 access to 1 Cryotank at a time at any cryotank facility operated by medical corporations or government agencies.
3 With 3 points in Cryosystem Operation you gain 1 Cryotank, installed in a room of your choosing.
4 With 4 points in Cryosystem Operation you gain 2 more Cryotanks that can fit in the same room as your first one and your Cryopump has 2 charges and its maximum carrying capacity increases to 2 people in stasis.
5 With 5 points in Cryosystem Operation you gain 3 more Cryotanks that can fit in the same room as the first three and your Cryopump has 3 charges and its maximum carrying capacity increases to three people in stasis.


Awareness Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Concentration (WILL) 5 2 0 +7
Conceal/Reveal (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Lip Reading (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Perception (INT) 8 4 0 +12
Tracking (INT) 8 0 0 +8

Body Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Athletics (DEX) 6 4 0 +10
Contortionist (DEX) 6 0 0 +6
Dance (DEX) 6 0 0 +6
Endurance (WILL) 5 0 0 +5
Resist Torture/Drugs (WILL) 5 0 0 +5
Stealth (DEX) 6 4 0 +10

Control Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Drive Land (REF) 6 0 0 +6
Pilot Air Vehicle (x2) (REF) 6 0 0 +6
Pilot Sea Vehicle (REF) 6 0 0 +6
Riding (REF) 6 0 0 +6

Education Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Accounting (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Animal Handling (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Bureaucracy (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Business (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Composition (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Criminology (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Cryptography (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Deduction (INT) 8 6 0 +14
Education (INT) 8 6 0 +14
Gamble (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Language (English) (INT) 8 4 0 +12
Language (Streetslang) (INT) 8 2 0 +10
Library Search (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Local Expert (Watson District) (INT) 8 2 0 +10
Science (INT) 8 6 0 +14
Tactics (INT) 8 0 0 +8
Wilderness Survival (INT) 8 0 0 +8

Fighting Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Brawling (DEX) 6 4 0 +10
Evasion (DEX) 6 2 0 +8
Melee Weapon (DEX) 6 4 0 +10

Performance Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Acting (COOL) 5 0 0 +5
Play Instrument (TECH) 7 0 0 +7

Ranged Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Archery (REF) 6 0 0 +6
Autofire (x2) (REF) 6 0 0 +6
Handgun (DEX) 6 3 0 +9
Heavy Weapons (x2) (DEX) 6 0 0 +6
Shoulder Arms (DEX) 6 0 0 +6

Social Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Bribery (COOL) 5 0 0 +5
Conversation (EMP) 3 6 0 +9
Human Perception (EMP) 3 2 0 +5
Interrogation (COOL) 5 0 0 +5
Persuasion (COOL) 5 4 0 +9
Personal Grooming (COOL) 5 0 0 +5
Streetwise (COOL) 5 2 0 +7
Trading (COOL) 5 0 0 +5
Wardrobe & Style (COOL) 5 0 0 +5

Technique Skills

Skill Att Skill Bonus Total
Air Vehicle Tech (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Basic Tech (TECH) 7 6 0 +13
Cybertech (TECH) 7 4 0 +11
Demolitions (x2) (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Electronics / Security (x2) (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
First Aid (TECH) 7 2 0 +9
Forgery (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Land Vehicle Tech (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Medical Tech (TECH) 7 2 0 +9
Paint/Draw/Sculpt (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Paramedic (x2) (TECH) 7 6 0 +13
Photography/Film (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Pick Lock (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Pick Pocket (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Sea Vehicle Tech (TECH) 7 0 0 +7
Surgery (TECH) 7 4 0 +11
Weaponstech (TECH) 7 0 0 +7


Health Helmet Body Shield Luck
40 11 11 10 7
Reputation Facedown Initiative Evasion
+2 +7 +6 +8
Reputation (COOL) + Reputation (REF) (DEX) + Evasion

Ranged Weapons

Linked Attribute: Reflex (6)

Weapon Type Damage Conceal Skill Hands RoF Quality Ammo Magazine
H&K P5000 Med. Pistol 2d6 Yes Handgun (+11) 1 2 Excellent Med. Pistol 12
↳ Smartgun
Federated Arms X-9mm Med. Pistol 2d6 Yes Handgun (+9) 1 2 Standard Med. Pistol 12
Midnight Arms PDW SMG 2d6 Yes Handgun (+10) 1 1 Standard Med. Pistol 30
↳ Smartgun, Alt. Firing Modes & Special Features: Suppressive Fire, Autofire (3)


Linked Attribute: Dexterity (6)

Weapon Skill Special
Smoke Grenade Athletics (+10) Obscures a 10m/yd by 10m/yd area with smoke for a minute on impact. The typical penalty for trying to perform a task obscured by smoke is -4.
Teargas Grenade Athletics (+10) When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone with meat eyes hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails suffers the Damaged Eye Critical injury (see pg. 188) for the next minute. You do not take the Bonus Damage from the Critical Injury.

Range Charts

Weapon 0-6 7-12 13-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
Medium Pistol 13 15 20 25 30 30 N/A N/A
SMG 15 13 15 20 25 25 30 N/A
Grenades/Thrown Object 16 15 15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Melee Weapons

Linked Attribute: Dexterity (6)

Weapon Type Damage Conceal Skill Hands RoF Quality
Collapsible Baton Light Melee 1d6 Yes Melee (+11) 1 2 Excellent
Machete Medium Melee 2d6 No Melee (+10) 1 2 Standard
Unarmed Combat Brawling 3d6 N/A Brawling (+10) 2 2 N/A



See Discussion Page for transaction history


Living Expenses

Current Lifestyle: Kibble

Monthly Cost: €100
You eat horrible food that you might not buy for a dog you liked. Once a month, you can see a movie or braindance.

Current Housing: Cargo Container (Watson Development suburb)

Monthly Cost: €1,000
Cargo Containers are located in the Suburbs, Reclaimed Perimeter, and the Combat Zone. You'll have plenty of places to store your things, a bed to sleep comfortably, a desk, electricity, a refrigerator, microwave, and sink, protected by the security of a strong lock. In the Combat Zone, you'll be in danger the second you step outside, but if you live in the Outskirts, you'll be much safer. Restrooms, Showers, and Laundry are located in facilities you'll share with the residents of other Cargo Containers stacked nearby your container. If you own a vehicle and you live here, you likely park it on the street. If you live in the Combat Zone, it will probably get broken into on occasion. If you chose the Outskirts, it will probably be fine.



  • Biomonitor (HL 0)
    • Subdermal implant which generates a constant LED readout of pulse, temperature, respiration, blood sugar, etc. You can link your Biomonitor to your Agent to allow it to track your wellness.


  • Cybereye, one (HL 7)
Foundational cyberware. Each cybereye has 3 Option slots for upgrades.
  • TeleOptics (HL 3)
Cybereye Option. User can see detail up to 800m/yds away. When attacking a target 51m/yds or further away with either a weapon's single shot firing mode or an Aimed Shot, you can add a +1 to your Check. Multiple installations of this option provide user no additional benefit. Does not stack with Sniping Scope Weapon Attachment.
  • Chyron (HL 2)
Cybereye Option. Projects a tiny subscreen into user's normal field of vision for messages, video, etc. from a user's other cyberware or electronics. Picture in a picture for real life.


  • Subdermal Grip (HL 3)
Allows user to use Smartgun without Interface Plug. Can be installed as only piece of Cyberware in a meat arm. Requires Neural Link.

Internal Body Cyberware

  • Nasal Filters (HL 2)
User is immune to the effects of toxic gasses, fumes, and all similar dangers that must be inhaled to affect the user.
User can deactivate nasal filters, if desired, without an Action.


  • Neural Link (HL 7)
Wired artificial nervous system. Required to use Neuralware and Subdermal Grip. Has 5 Option Slots.
  • Memory Chip (HL 0)
Data storage. User's cyberware can store or access data on it.


Light Armorjack Helmet

  • Stopping Power 11/11

Light Armorjack Armor

  • Stopping Power 11/11

Bulletproof Shield

  • Stopping Power 10/10

Business Suit, Kevlar

  • Stopping Power 7/7

Business Casual, Kevlar

  • Stopping Power 7/7

Casualwear, Kevlar

  • Stopping Power 7/7


Federated Arms X-9mm (Medium Pistol, Standard Quality)

  • Damage 2d6, Magazine Size 12, RoF 2, Concealable

H&K P5000, Smartgun (Medium Pistol, Excellent Quality)

  • Damage 2d6, Magazine Size 12, RoF 2, Concealable, +1 to attacks

Midnight Arms PDW, Smartgun (SMG, Standard Quality)

  • Damage 2d6, Magazine Size 30, RoF 1, Concealable, Suppressive Fire, Autofire (3)

Machete (Medium Melee Weapon, Standard Quality)

  • Damage 2d6, RoF 2

Collapsible Baton (Light Melee Weapon, Excellent Quality)

  • Damage 1d6, RoF 2, Concealable, +1 to attacks


Medium Pistol

  • Basic Rounds: 231
  • Rubber Rounds: 50
  • AP Rounds: 20


  • Smoke Grenade (3)
    • Obscures a 10m/yd by 10m/yd area with smoke for a minute on impact. The typical penalty for trying to perform a task obscured by smoke is -4.
  • Teargas Grenade (2)
    • When using this ammunition, you deal no damage with your attack. Anyone with meat eyes hit by your attack must instead attempt to beat a DV13 Resist Torture/Drugs Check. Anyone who fails suffers the Damaged Eye Critical injury (see pg. 188) for the next minute. You do not take the Bonus Damage from the Critical Injury.



  • Generic Chic (2)
  • Leisure (3)


  • Generic Chic (2)
  • Leisure (5)


  • Generic Chic
  • Leisure


  • Generic Chic
  • Leisure


  • Generic Chic Contact Lenses
  • Generic Chic Glasses
  • Generic Chic Hat


  • Agent
  • Airhypo loaded with one dose of Antibiotics
  • Computer (Laptop)
  • Disposable Cell Phone
  • Duct Tape
  • Flashlight
  • Food Stick (2)
  • Glow Paint
  • Handcuffs
  • Medtech Bag
  • Personal Carepak
  • Radio Scanner/Music Player

Inventory Location

Absent any special preparation, the following is Galen's standard carry

Italicized items are generally carried on missions only

On Person

  • Agent
  • Radio Communicator
  • Radio Scanner/Music Player
  • Concealed Collapsible Baton (Light Melee Weapon, Excellent Quality)
  • Concealed H&K P5000 (Medium Pistol, Excellent Quality), 12+1 rounds, basic
  • Concealed medium pistol magazine (12 rounds, basic)
  • Concealed Midnight Arms PDW (SMG, Standard Quality), 30+1 rounds, basic
  • Concealed SMG magazine (30 rounds, basic)
  • Light Armorjack Helmet
  • Light Armorjack Jacket
  • Bulletproof Shield
  • Kevlar Business Suit, Business Casual, or Casualwear
  • Approximately €200

Messenger Bag

  • Disposable Cellphone
  • Duct Tape
  • Flashlight
  • Food Stick (2)
  • Glow Paint
  • Handcuffs
  • Airhypo loaded with one dose of Antibiotics
  • Machete (Medium Melee Weapon, Standard Quality)
  • Medtech Bag
  • Smoke Grenades (3)
  • Teargas Grenades (2)
  • SMG Magazine, Basic Ammo, 30 rounds
  • SMG Magazine, Basic Ammo, 30 rounds
  • SMG Magazine, AP Ammo, 20 rounds


  • Mission items not used
  • Eurobucks not carried
  • Clothing not worn
  • Armor not worn
  • Computer (Laptop)
  • Personal Carepak
  • Federated Arms X-9mm (Medium Pistol, Standard Quality), 12+1 rounds, basic
  • Medium Pistol Magazine, Rubber Bullets, 12 rounds
  • SMG Magazine, Rubber Bullets, 30 rounds
  • Medium Pistol Basic Ammo box, 72 rounds
  • Medium Pistol Rubber Ammo box, 8 rounds

Future Purchases & Wish List

  • Radio Communicator: €100
  • Cybereye Upgrade: Targeting Scope €500
  • Internal Cyberwear: Enhanced Antibodies: €500
  • Heavy Pistol, Excellent Quality (Nova "Cityhunter"): €500
  • Extended Magazine: €100

Wish List

  • Medscanner €1,000
  • Smartglasses €500
↳ Cybereye/Optic Upgrade: Low Light/Infrared/UV €500
  • Subdermal Grip €100
  • Neuralware: Neural Link: €500
↳ Neuralware Slot: Memory Chip €10
↳ Neuralware Slot: Chipware Socket €500
↳ Neuralware Slot: Skill Chip €500/€1,000
↳ Neuralware Slot: Interface Plugs €500
  • Smartgun Link (Upgrade) €500 per gun