Act 3: Dark Side

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Star Wars MegaGame 2013
Alpha GM
Beta GMs
Adam, Erik, Mark, Tim/Benjamin
Game Time
Saturday, 6 PM - 2 AM slot
Game Year
Post Order 66
Character Creation · Turning Points
Prologue · Summary
Light Side
Act 1 · Act 2 · Act 3
Dark Side
Act 1 · Act 2 · Act 3

Our Dark Side heros will find Vader, and may or may not try to fight him. He will offer them a challenge to prove themselves and either a, earn their freedom to fight another day, or b, earn a place in the Empire. Vader will only fight defensively if they do attack them, showing that he is much stronger than them. He'll offer up his challenge/mission: find the Jedi Knight who has been hiding his ass on Nar Shaddaa (what, you think I was after you measly runts?) and kill him, then meet at a rendevous point if they want to join. Give in to your hate, etc. His offer is a sweet sweet deal, if only to recognize their potential and let them feel the Force again after years of repression. Together, their combined strength should be adequate. Their boss battle is to take on the Jedi while prepping a ship to make their escape to get to Vader in time. They will find on the Jedi (or in his clothes should he become one with the Force) a holocron that he was protecting. He may wish his counterpart well in his dying breaths.