Scurlock Items

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Wild Blue Yonder 2
The Scurlock Mysteries
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Adventure Log

A number of unique, valuable, or sentimental items have been discovered during the investigation into and around Scurlock Manor. These items are categorized below according to functionality, with each item listing also providing sentimentality, value, and reputability in addition to the general description.


  • 100 Crowns (and change)
    • Outstanding: 4 Crowns (second payment for Leviathan drawings access)

Items for Auction House


Items for the Tower of Balance

Essence Cage

An arcane cage device that captures the essence of a living creature that passes by. Most dramatic when the being it is dawn from is killed.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Specific None Suspect Arcana Pristine Study

Talismans of Elements, Booklet of Making Elements

Set of talismans with arcane symbols. Placing them on an object applies that element. Considered a routine magic item, nearly all sorcerers know how to make them. As a bonus, they can be used by non-sorcerers.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Arcane None. Normal Arcana Very Usable Study

Anatomical Drawing of a Leviathan

A large folio of drawings on the anatomical details of a Leviathan. It boggles the mind how a dissection table large enough was found.

Academics: access for 1 month for 8 crowns (4 to start, 4 a fortnight later); later to be used as leverage with envoys of Haven

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. None Peculiar Legable Study

Items for "discrete" sale

Rift Warhead Torpedo Plans

A ripped apart blueprint design for a horrific weapon which tears a hole in the fabric of reality and banned by the Imperial Family. Highly illegal, hidden away in a cigar box in the secret study.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. None War Crime Ripped Up Secret Study

Assassin's Cufflinks

A pair of Cufflinks which, when tapped together, cause a poison-covered needle to be revealed. The needle was poisoned when found, and the poison itself has not been tested.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unknown None Disreputable Resonable Secret Study

Symbol of the Fallen House

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unknown None Disreputable Resonable Secret Study

Items retained for personal use

Ring: Demon Posession

A simple ring with damaged arcane markings makes it easier for the wearer to be possessed by demons.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
0.25 or Arcane None Odd Functional Study

Ring: Demon Protection

Demon Ring

A simple ring with markings that protects the wearer from possession by demons.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. None Odd Functional Tertius

Broken Sword with Jeweled Scurlock Crest

A beautiful jeweled Scurlock Crest mounted into the hilt of a broken sword. Only Edward knows of this at this time, he has not shared it with the rest of the family.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. Family Jewels Famly Herloom Just a broken blade Edward

Antique Pocket Watch

A beautiful antique watch with the Scurlock family crest embossed on the cover.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Valuable Personal (Baston) Curio Funcitonal Baston

Items retained for family use

Map of the Estate

Recovered off of Uncle Alward, this faded and warn map is not of particularly high quality but was accurate enough to aid with the discovery of three secret rooms/closets.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
1/2 Crown Family Iconography Typical Item Warn and Flurshed The Study

Handmade Map of Essence Lines

Arcane lay-line chart. This extremely large folio folds out to cover the floor of a good-sized room.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Very Functional Arcane Extreamly Useful The Study

Map of the Laboratory

A pristine and highly accurate map of the laboratory and its surrounding swear tunnels. The result of extensive cross-referencing work of public records, likely in preparation for the original construction.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
2 Crown Useful Secretive Prestine Secret Study

Father's Favorite Rifle

One of the few things Jedmond knew exactly where was, this well-crafted hunting rifle was beloved by the elder Scurlock.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unknown Family Item Typical Item Prestine The Study

Charcoal Sketch of Ancestor of Scurlock

A charcoal sketch of Great Grandfather Scurlock.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. He's Family Is It Art? Good Condition Front Parlor

Marble Bust of Grandfather Scurlock

A slightly battered bust of Grandfather Scurlock.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. He's Family Is It Art? Slightly Damaged Front Parlor

Staged Construction Frame

A wondrous array that assists in the systematic expansion of machine construction. This particular device was arranged and used to provide Bastion with a staged series of larger bodies, allowing him to experience the process of growing up physically as well as psychologically and, thusly, being also be able to interact with his peers at the appropriate sizes and ages. The rig is still functional and could be used for similar applications.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Valuable Personal (Baston) Curio Funcitonal Secret Machinist Shop

Smuggling Compartment Schematic

One of Lord Scurlock's designs, these schematics detail how to create a small insulated location inside the engine which, while increasing engine maintenance, creates a very hard-to-find smuggling compartment within the engine system.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Specific Functional Illegal Funcitonal Jimmy O'Brian (Airship)

Arcane Notes on Transplants

Arcane and occult notes written in the old Lord Scurlock's hand. Provides information on the binding of severed bodyparts onto living hosts. Includes diagrams of people with four arms and people with two hearts, among others.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Specific None. Tasteless Funcitonal Secret Study

Dart with Demon Blood

A peculiar dart designed to inject Demon Blood into another person, the results of which would be quite dramatic. Specially encased to preserve it for use.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. Unk. Occult Funcitonal Secret Study

Sold-Off Items

Silver Athame

An ornate silver dagger for ritual use. Has some material value, but more to an arcane practitioner. (Sold for 4 Crowns)

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
1 + Arcane None Arcane Polished Front Parlor

Ancient Navigational Tool

An old device for navigating the Aether by airship. A museum piece at this point, a relic of another age. Curiously, it was stolen at the auction.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
Unk. Functional Demonic Prestine Secret Study

Airship Toolkit

While slightly out of date, they were once a very nice set of hand-tools for working on airships.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
3 Crown Minimal Hobby Craft Great Condition Front Parlor

Well worn book on Airship Theory

A first edition printing of the theory and principles which made airship travel possible.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
3+ Crown None Famous Work Falling Apart Front Parlor

Surrealist Picture "The Longing"

A peculiar painting that seems like just a wash of colors and lines that can somehow both draw the viewer in and repulse them as unnatural. Setarra identified it as a remarkable rendition of being summoned.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
12 (20) Crowns To Setarra? Is It Art? ? Front Parlor

Signature of the First Emperor

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
15 (25) Crowns To Setarra? Is It Art? ? Front Parlor

Oil Painting "Shape in Song"

A faded and warn oil painting depicting a ritual taking place on a tiny atoll. In the center is a glowing crystal, surrounding it are the waving arms of a Leviathan. Needs some restoration work.

Value Sentimenality Reputability Usability Location
1.25 (2) Crown To Setarra? Is It Art? Warn and Faded Front Parlor