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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
Rogue Trader Logo.jpg
Dynastic Power
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
Command Crew
Lord-Captain Drake
Navigator Primus Mordecai
Arch-Millitant Winter
Astropath Solarus
House Drake Fleet
Aurea Albion
Hound of AlbionAbhorrent
Fortuitous PurposePenance of Iocanthos
Drake Trade Empire
Sepheris SecundusTennenberg
Killian's Rest
Drake Expeditions
Open Missions
Grand Endevours
Svard 1stStormtroopers
House Drake Expeditionary Army
Aerospace CraftGround Vehicles
WargearRelics and Artifacts
Secrets and ContactsAwards and Honors
The Galaxy
Calixis Sector
Koronus ExpansePeriphery Subsector
Peers of the Imperium
Rival Rogue Traders
Rogue Trader Timeline
House Rules
Guide and Lore

Captains Among the Fleet

  • Captain Lynara Cobolt is a vassal captain to the Drake Dynasty and the Captain-Proprietor of the Penance of Iocanthos. A skilled ship-master and screwed business woman, she is a warrant away from a Rogue Trader herself.
  • Captain Silo Aries is a Forge-World trained officer who got himself promoted faster then the Lathes could put out a new ship. Hired as the Captain of the Abhorrent, Silo is still more comfortable around the hall of the Mechanicus and brings an uncommon perspective to running a ship.
  • Captain Harris Redbeard is an ex-pirate captain hired on to lead the Hound of Albion. Cutting a classical piratical image, its is only the Drake's warrant that keep him on the legal side of voidsman's trade.

Notable Crew of the Albion

Crew Clans

The Albion is fairly unique among the clanish Rogue Trader ships, having formed and coalessed into only a handful of large clans, rather then the plethera of smaller clans that are more commonly found. There are currently nine crew clans on the Albion, each simmilar in size. Although they do have general congregations and concentrations across the ship, nearly every segment of the ship has at least a few members of every clan. Like all good clan-based socities, there is a healthy amount of compition between them, from the sports arenas to collecting trophies during boarding actions. When large numbers of new crewmen are brought on board (like after a major battle), the clans will often get togeather and hold a "Clan Games", a multi-day event that serves as a recutiting and sorting procedure, as well as at time for each clan to show off it's talents and skills.

  • Iron Brotherhood The Iron brotherhood is the youngest of all the clans on the Albion, having been first formed in the wake of the Light of Terra exploration. They are unique in that the entire clan follows the Cult of the Machine, venerating both the Machine God and the Albion herself.
  • Voidwalkers The Voidwalkers are one of the more mysterious clans, as they intentionaly congregate near the ship's skin, rather then deeper in her armored core. As a rite of passage, every Void Walker must stride the surface of ship, unprotected by her adimantine skin, and call to the abyss that they are named for.
  • Lightbringers The Lightbringers consider themselves the most pious of the ships clans, though that is not a terrably difficult accomplishment. The Lightbringers do, however, produce the majority of the ships chaplains and confessers, including the Albion's Bishop.
  • Matross The Maltross clan is unusual in being the most location focused of all the clans. The Clan of Maltross claims the Ship's Great Cannon Batteries as their own, effectivly splitting the clan in twain, between the Port Maltross and the Starboard Maltross.


  • Drake Armsmen The Drake Dynasty Armsmen is a well-trained, experienced and professional unit of soldiers. Focused on the duel fronts of maintaining discipline and defending against aggressors, the Armsmen must fulfill both the rolls of a police force and a garrisoning military force. While the unit varies greatly in skill and training, the core veterans are more than a comparable to professional soldiers of the Imperial Guard.
  • 37th Stormtrooper Company These Storm Troopers are highly-trained shock troops forming the elite force. They are trained to act in hit-and-run ship to ship assaults for the Imperial Navy as well as to carry out special ground operations such as high altitude assaults, armed reconnaissance, and deep infiltration beyond enemy lines. Storm Troopers are the very best soldiers the Imperial Guard has to offer, being trained to the peak of human perfection, and their combat skills should not be underestimated.
  • Murder Servitors Are dedicated, mono-task servitors programed and equipped to cause serious damage to enemy ships during hit and run actions. These particular ones were brought on board the Abhorrent by Capt. Silo Aries. Although he has threatened to turn them on particularly unwilling crewmembers, this has never actually occurred.
  • Mustered Armsmen A usual term for normal crewmen given weapons and pointed at the enemy, mustered armsmen are make up for their lack of training or weaponry with gang-like experience and overwhelming numbers. Although not typically used for ground operations, mustered armsmen are critical for boarding actions, where even a ships entire compliment of regular armsmen would be insufficient.
  • Svard 1st Expeditionary An infantry regiment of local PDF raised by the Svard system to help defend Damaris (and its self by extension). Although not particularly well equipped by Imperial Guard standards, the first expeditionary regiment now consists of hardened soldiers, veterans of fighting both the Whisperer and the Orks of Damaris.

House Drake Expeditionary Army

In an effort to stake a claim in the Periphery Subsector Warzone, House Drake has mustered its own army help it establish a foothold and provide strategic support as it assists in the war. The following units have been raised and now follow the House Drake flag into battle.

Stats are given in Battlefleet Koronus terms. Units in italics indicate recruitment, but not yet in-game availability.


  • 133rd Lathes Skitarii Brigade
Commander: Master of Skitarii Fundamus
Heavy Infantry, Strength 100 (1000 men); Power 9; Skill/Characteristics 40; Morale 80 (Professional); Tech Level Modern
Mechanicus armies are usually very well provisioned, armed and armored. And cybernetics are usually involved somewhere. Usually carapace armor, hellguns as standard weapons, officers with boltguns and power weapons, sometimes with transports, sometimes without. Make your own decisions on that one.
Specialist weapons are usually plasma or melta, with heavy weapons being the most technologically advanced as they can get (lascannon or heavy bolter). These are mounted on suspensors to better increase their mobility.
  • 4077th Scintilla Penal Legion
Commander: Warden-Colonel Yuriel Westar
Light Infantry, Strength 441 (4410 convicts); Power 3; Skill/Characteristics 20; Morale 45 (Conscripts); Tech Level Technological (Poor Quality)
Penal legions are, for the most part, are kept locked up until it’s time to fight. They are still guardsmen (and women), but who have committed crimes not harsh enough for execution but enough for a penal legion. So the training they actually have can run the gamut, but typically they have the barest of flak armor (usually flak vests) and a lasgun. Sometimes they have knives and whatnot. The commissars attending them will have flak armor, bolt pistols and chainswords.
Battles: Station 4, Kalf Orbit. Casualties: 590. Enemy casualties: 150 Orks.
  • Strophes' Own Volunteers
Commander: Colonel Narissa Strophes
Medium Infantry, Strength 200 (2000 men); Power 7; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Volunteers); Tech Level Modern
Imperial Guard line infantry standard
  • 40th Baraspine Guards (Imperial Guard Regiment)
Commander: Colonel Haruna Yasaki
Heavy Infantry, Strength 100 (1000 men); Power 8; Skill/Characteristics 40; Morale 80 (Professional); Tech Level Modern
Grenadiers, carapace armor, lasguns, melta and plasma weapons, and the plethora of heavy weapons. Very well supplied.
  • (Traitor Guard Company)
Commander: (Nominal) Captain Jaak Tertius
Medium Infantry, Strength 10 (100 men); Power 7; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 50 (Conscript); Tech Level Modern
Imperial Guard line infantry standard.
  • Drake Crusade Volunteers
Commander: Bishop-Colonel Soren Erasmus
Light Infantry, Strength 300 (3000 crusaders); Power 4; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 90 (Fanatics); Tech Level Technological
Chainswords, 1 lasgun for every 10.
  • Drake Kroot Company
Commander: Sorok
Heavy Infantry, Strength 10 (100 kroot); Power 9; Skill/Characteristics 40; Morale 80 (Professional); Tech Level Modern
They come with their own weapons, but have very little armor (literally scrap picked up from the battlefield). They are excellent skirmishers, best used in forests. The leaders may carry Tau Pulse Rifles. Also carnivorous and cannibals, be careful.
  • Warriors of the Sky-Father
Commander: Priestess-Chief Sarana
Light Infantry, Strength 400 (4000 warriors); Power 1; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 80 (Fanatic); Tech Level Feral
Power level is extremely low due to the level of equipment (i.e. none to speak of)
We’ll have to get some chainswords for these guys. But they at least have poor quality shotguns and stub revolvers (from what we gave them), along with other primitive weapons (spears, swords, shields, etc).

Mechanized Infantry

  • Strophes 1st Mechanized Infantry Brigade
Commander: Colonel Marias Strophes
Medium Mechanized Infantry, Strength 100 (1000 men); Power 8; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Volunteers); Tech Level Modern
Mounted in Chimeras (also possibly Rhinos, which is possible because of Scintilla). Each squad is assigned a vehicle which becomes their home. Personal equipment is likely lasguns, laspistols and more ammunition than normal, because their APC becomes their source of food (which they don’t have to take with them).


  • Strophes 1st Armored Battalion
Medium Armor, Strength 50 (500 men or 100 vehicles); Power 10; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Volunteers); Tech Level Modern
Using the Leman Russ Main Battle Tanks as their standard tank, but all cannon-equipped tanks have anti-armor sabot rounds available in addition to their normal high explosive shells. Recon squadrons use the Leman Russ Conquerer-pattern (smaller gun, can fire more accurately on the move) with an Exterminator-pattern (twin-linked Autocannon). Contains one squadron of Demolisher-pattern Siege Tanks.


  • 33rd Lathes Anti-Air
Medium Artillery, Strength 40 (400 men); Power 8; Skill/Characteristics 30; Morale 60 (Vassal Levy); Tech Level Technological
Since the tech for these is a little behind the times, most likely Hydra flak emplacements instead of Hydra flak tanks. Maybe a handful of Hyrda flak tanks, but not likely many. Good for guarding installations.


  • Drake Logistics Corps
Approximately 10,000 voidborn recruits to run the orbital facilities seized by House Drake; non-combatants