The One Ring: The King's Own

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The One Ring: The King's Own
Starting Year
Fourth Age, 1 (3021 TA or 1421 SR)
Current Year
Fourth Age, 1 (3021 TA or 1421 SR)
The Fellowship
Laramie Twofoot
Déor, Horseman of Rohan
Vidar, Son of Veig
Former Fellowship Members
Chapters Past

Still working on your character? Awesome! Here are some guidelines:

  • Read the bit of timeline lower on this page for context of when we are and what the world is like. It will be condensed later.
  • You should craft at least a valid-sounding reason why you are in Gondor now and put it on your page. Include where you were during the War of the Ring.
  • This background doesn't need to be fully fleshed yet, just a starting point to start us off with
  • Aim for variation and balance in the party. For example, aim for different cultures if choosing the same race (Man of Minas Tirith vs. Man of Bree) to have access to different blessings, virtues, and abilities that aid the Fellowship as a whole. Some redundancies are not stackable.
  • Let your GM know if you have a question, special request, secret information or need things like Wonderous Items.

The Fellowship

The Company

Traveling Roles

Guide (Travel)

best, second

Scout (Explore)

best, second

Huntsman (Hunt)

best, second

Look-out Man (Awareness)

best, second

Fellowship Focus

Skill Chart

(This grid shows the highest for each skill in the group)

Awe □□□□□□ Inspire ■■□□□□ Persuade ■■□□□□
Athletics □□□□□□ Travel ■■■□□□ Stealth ■■■□□□
Awareness ■■□□□□ Insight ■□□□□□ Search ■■□□□□
Explore ■■■□□□ Healing □□□□□□ Hunting ■■□□□□
Song ■■■□□□ Courtesy ■■■□□□ Riddle ■■□□□□
Craft ■■■□□□ Battle ■■□□□□ Lore □□□□□□

The MacGuffin and Objectives

Important Characters you have met

Memorable characters you have met


The Story So Far

Recent Events

The Year is now 3021, Two Years after the War of the Ring, but War is not over and Shadow still lingers in parts of Middle Earth. Much has been devastated, burned, and destroyed. Now the slow rebuilding and healing process is starting to show signs of flowering. Few lands were left unharmed by the Enemy; rebuilding efforts run from Dale to Osgiliath to Rohirric villages to the heart of the Shire.

In Arnor, the pragmatic see-it-to-believe-it Bree-landers still haven’t fully grasped that Strider’s a king and that the Rangers are nobility of old. 
Barliman Butterbur was shocked to learn that Strider was made a king - not a "mere ranger.
" For even some Rangers this has been breathtaking news; they were scattered at the time of Aragorn’s muster and not all got word of it or were able to journey South. Many are still keeping threats of Shadow and Corruption down in the North.

In these two years after the fall of Sauron:


  • March 25- Fall of Sauron and the Destruction of the One Ring
  • May 1, 3019 - Aragorn is crowned King Elessar of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor; Gandalf helps Aragorn to find the sapling of the new White Tree.

  • Mid-year's Day (between June and July) 3019 - Aragorn marries Arwen Undómiel.

  • July 3019 - King Théoden is laid to rest beside other Kings of Rohan in Edoras. The announcement of Faramir's and Éowyn's betrothal.
 They are married later this year.
  • Peace is brokered with Harad: Harad is forfeiting South Gondor and Umbar in exchange for a pardon of fighters, POWs, etc, allowed to return home unmolested

  • Thorin III Stonehelm and Bard II, fast friends and allies, are rebuilding Erebor and Dale.

  • As a chief commander for King Elessar, Faramir has been tasked with clearing out Minas Morgul and the lost territories of Gondor and act as march-wardens. His and Eowyn's hands are full.

  • November 19, 3019 - Battle of Bywater; death of Saruman and Wormtongue; the end of the War of the Ring.

3020 - some events may not have happened depending on our start month. These may help for context purposes.

  • Elessar and Eomer rode out against remnants of Mordor

  • Spring 3020 - Samwise Gamgee marries Rosie Cotton and together they move to Bag End.

  • The Sea of Rhun is proving to be hotly contested vs. the Easterlings

  • Thranduil settles his borders at the Mountains of Mirkwood to help his own people thrive.

  • Legolas and Gimli share their travels through the Glittering Caves and Fangorn Forest. Legolas is now returning to Mirkwood to recruit elves to heal Ithilien while Gimli is setting out to recruit members of Durin’s Folk to go to the Glittering Caves.

  • Durin VII, a descendant of Thorin III, has expressed his wish to return to Moria soon.


  • Fourth Age - March 25 3021
  • Spring 3020 - Samwise Gamgee marries Rosie Cotton and together they move to Bag End.

  • 3021 - Éomer marries Imrahil's daughter, Lothíriel of Dol Amroth in Gondor.
  • September 22, 3021 - Bilbo marks his 131st birthday, surpassing the Old Took.

  • September 29, 3021 - Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo depart from the Grey Havens and go to the Undying Lands.

  • Celeborn assumes full rulership of Lothlorien after Galadriel’s departure. He plans on extending domain to South Mirkwood and is currently holding both sides of the Anduin.

  • The twins Elladan and Elrohir assume a joint lordship of Rivendell in Elrond’s departure. Both expressed wishing to clean the land of Arnor and continue to work with the Rangers. They also expressed a project to translate the works of Rivendell’s library for the use of Men. Neither has stated whether he wishes to choose mortality like Arwen.

  • October 6, 3021 - Samwise returns to Bag End.

Chapter 1, The Fellowship Forms

  • Gondor: Blood on the Snow

Rules Clarifications

House Rules

Archer rules:

When an archer rolls an EYE, they should then roll a d6: on a result of 1-3, the archer has just one last arrow in his quiver. Being “low on ammo” makes for dramatic choices. When an archer fumbles his shot (i.e., rolls an EYE and fails the attack roll), he has emptied his quiver and is out of arrows! Being “out of ammo” makes for very dramatic choices.

Rules Errata

Concerning Blighted Places - a Clarification

The rules found at page 57 of the Loremaster’s Book detail what happens when a company of adventurers enters an area qualifying as a blighted place. From the way the rules have been presented in that chapter, it seems that players are required to make Corruption tests every time they cross areas rated as Wild lands, Shadow lands and Dark lands, making for a rather unforgiving rule.

The original intent of the rule was that it is always left to the discretion of the Loremaster to determine whether a place must be considered blighted or not. The Blighted Lands table must be used when the Loremaster has decided that an area is indeed blighted, to determine the frequency of the required Corruption tests.

For example, the text for the Marsh-bell adventure applies the rule as intended, when at page 130, under the Entering Mirkwood paragraph, the bulleted text states that “The part of the Long Marshes that is inside Mirkwood qualifies as a blighted place.”

Under this interpretation, it is entirely possible for an area found within a region classified as Wild, Shadow or even Dark not to require any Corruption test to traverse. As far as the accumulation of Shadow is concerned, the various region types as classified in the Loremaster map serve as guidelines for the Loremaster to decide whether the region currently traversed by company is blighted or not, with Free lands being rarely blighted, and Dark lands being mostly so.

The Cultural Blessing of the Elves of Mirkwood should be:

FOLK OF THE DUSK: When an Elf of Mirkwood is inside a forest or under the earth, or it is night, his Attribute bonuses are based on his favoured rating in all rolls involving the use of a Common skill.

Starting Gear

Small-sized Heroes: The list of weapons available to Dwarf characters (AB, p.76) should include Sword.

Background (Woodman)

Woodmen (Fairy heritage) erroneously has Search as a Favoured skill: it should be Awareness instead.

Page 75, Spider-poison.

The sentence, “... is paralysed and falls to the ground after a number of rounds equal to his Body or Heart rating ...”, should be read as, “... falls to the ground paralysed after a number of rounds equal to his Body or Heart rating ...”.

A paralysed character is considered to beunconscious, or otherwise defenceless
