Chapters Past

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The One Ring: The King's Own
Starting Year
Fourth Age, 1 (3021 TA or 1421 SR)
Current Year
Fourth Age, 1 (3021 TA or 1421 SR)
The Fellowship
Laramie Twofoot
Déor, Horseman of Rohan
Vidar, Son of Veig
Former Fellowship Members
Chapters Past

Chapter 1, The Fellowship Forms

  • Gondor: Blood on the Snow Our first game:

Rumors of attacked and destroyed farmsteads in Anórien come to the ears of the Company, though whether the cause is Dunlending raiders, Druédan sorcery, or fell beasts is not determined. As there are many regions to search for the truth of the matter, the Prefect of Osgiliath assigned the Company to be a posse together, as a full posse of Guardsmen led by Captain Belfan, and a civilian posse led by Léora of Lamedan have already mustered. Léora has a look of disdain or suspicion against Belfan. Laramie is declared the head of the posse as he is already sworn to service, and is given bone maps with carved ridges that line up with the beacon mountains to help find vales with homesteaders. Léora's posse departs immediately while Belfan's stays on for a hearty breakfast.

The Company is lent horses from Minas Tirith. Asking about Belfan, who appears quite the braggart and Dunlending-hater, reveals the rumor that he may have killed a man, back when he was a minstrel, for playing one of his songs. In Minas Tirith, the Company also meets dwarves and elves who are beautifying the city and engaging in planning work. Their current quarrel is solved by the suggestion of a roundabout, allowing for both navigatable streets and greenery.

Although winter still clings to the land and snow lays on the ground, the four-day journey through Anórien is pleasant and without event. The first homestead encountered was deserted and highly damaged, and at the second, an attack was clear, with bodies, blood, and ruin. A dying man described an unnaturally tough and foul creature that came from "the Morgelad" a word meaning dark path or pass. After burying the dead, the Company followed the tracks and drag marks left in the snow to the Morgelad, a particularly blighted vale where the shelves of shale and twisted tree branches block out the sunlight.

At the mouth of the Morgelad, the Company encounters Imhar the Dunlending and his party, survivors of the beast's attacks. They have been hunting it for a month and a half. As the company dealt well with Imhar, and Gilithion spoke straightforwardly and fairly with Imhar, he was willing to work together. The Company was joined by Léora and her posse, who mistook their tracks for that of Belfan, crossing them at some point. She agrees to help as well, though they were tracking Belfan, whom she claims murdered her brother.

As the Company caught sight of the beast, a particularly large snow troll, they were finally joined by Captain Belfan himself, who mistook the scenario for a trap sprung against the Dunlendings. He was promptly dragged off by the snow troll, meeting a certain demise. Although his hide was indeed tough and teeth fierce, the Company prevailed against the snow troll, taking his head and hoard as proof. The Ranger Thorondir took the beast's hide. The Company convinced Imhar to journey back with them as they could retell the tale and improve relations between Dunlendings and Gondorians. Lóra's posse and the guard were all witnesses to their valor.

Upon return, the Company presented the head of the troll and the Dunlendings to the Prefect. The Prefect agreed to negotiate an audience with King Elessar for the Dunlendings and the Company, who wished that much of the hoard would go to help the survivors of the troll's attacks. With some insight, the Prefect asked the Company to stay in Minas Tirith while this was negotiated. He presented the events to the King.

While the Dunlendings were granted a formal audience, the Company was not. Upon hearing both the makeup of the Company and their success from the Prefect, the King took note. Upon learning that two of the party members were indeed known to him since his childhood and kin, the King opted for an informal audience with himself and Queen Arwen Undomiel to meet their companions and offer them a grand undertaking that perhaps only a group such as theirs might accomplish, a mission to find the lost palantiri of Arvedui.

Rohan: Red Days Rising

Starting in Minas Tirith, all are celebrating the anniversary of the Fall of Sauron, end of the war, and the start of the Fourth Age. Aragorn engineered seating at one of the nightly feasts so that the Company could be identified by Eomer, King of Rohan. Being in close proximity to the head table led the Company to engage in a debate as to the highest virtues of a warrior, the results of which impressed Eomer. Eomer called the more impressive debaters up to him and related his current strife, feuding marshalls, and his wife, Lothiriel of Dol Amroth, offered the idea of a wedding to give a valid reason to cease hostilities. The Company could act as impartial messengers and could earn great favor with the King. As the Company planned to travel in the King's entourage/train to Edoras and thence to Isengard, this would be mutually beneficial.

Travel through Anorien to Aldburg was smooth, and spring was now showing. The Company was able to gather much information on the journey about the feuding marshalls and the two childhood friends picked out to marry each other for the sake of peace. In particular, the Company talked with Sunnifa, the Queen's servant, Galmod, Cenric's foster son, and traders from the Toft. The Marshals are Eogar of the Westfold, Second Marshall and Lord of the Hornburg (Helm's Deep) and Cenric of the Eastfold, Third Marshal, Lord of Aldburg. The unknowing Romeo and Juliet of our story are Mildryd Shielding of Westfold, Captain of Eogar's personal eored, and Esmund of Eastfold, a brave captain. Both, as it turns out, are recently widowed, and Esmund has a small child. Most asked agree that the two should've gotten together but had married out of duty. The feud between the marshalls is several generations old, but recent killings over a woman, and lack of weregild, have ignighted tensions. Indeed, it appears as though Grima Wormtongue kept the tensions aflame for his own profit and better control of power. While loyal, a new king brings uncertainty and a shakeup of power, one all the more precarious as positions remain unfilled from wartime deaths.

In addition, the Traders from the Toft, Odovacar and Mathilda, related the fate of the Toft. When asked where they were from, and their route, they both became saddened - their home has been destroyed, first by popular uprising, then by the Enemy to be used as a staging ground to invade Mirkwood and Laketown/Erebor, and then by the Galadhrim, the Elves of Lorien, who currently claim the territory, including a part of South Mirkwood. Indeed, the "Sorceress" claims both sides of the Anduin, bringing some concern and ire to the traders. They also noted reavers in the Western lands of Rohan. THis plus a lack of major towns led them to only go as far as Edoras before turning their route back.

From Aldburg, the Company turned to Deor's home village, the Entwade, border and river crossing between West and East, to hear news of Cenric, out seeing to his herds, and Esmund. There they participated in and resolved a bout of flyting between warriors of the Eastfold and Westfold that might've easily come to blows and bloodshed, especially between the two in front, Ashgar of Westfold and Maerstan of Eastfold. This won them the respect and welcome of the participants and onlookers. In the Entwade, they also borrowed horses. From there they encountered Leothere Five Fingers, a wandering minstrel, and his apprentice, a girl named Bida Softsong. After an exchange of news and song, the Company continued to find some of Cenric's outriders and cattle herd. With a storm breaking upon them, the Company helped quell a stampede, reducing loss of cattle and injuries to riders. This gained them Cenric's thanks (in the form of a steed) and his ear for their message. Through their good choices of talk to see the right of the endeavor, both Cenric and Esmund were persuaded. Esmund followed the Company to the Entwade to wait for Mildryd... or word of a nay reply.

As the fastest way to the Westfold would be through Edoras, the Company headed there to pass on word of Cenric and Esmund to Eomer, and hear news of Eogar's whereabouts. Last word was that he was on patrol in the Gap of Rohan, so the Company rode out for the Fords of Isen for better word. Enroute, the Company encountered a messenger, Rynelda Fast-Rider, with news that Eogar was raising a muster of Westfold, and to see Grimborn at the Fords of Isen. The Company could not get more from her as she sped off to take her message to Edoras.

At the Fords, the Company learn the unsettling recent events: on a regular patrol in which Eogar brought his family, raiders or reavers kidnapped his wife, Esfled. Judging from their tracks and direction, the raiders were marked as Dunlendish Gaesela. The Company learned that the West-march was home to Dunlending tribes such as the Gaesela and to tribes of mixed Rohirrim and Dunlending blood, such as the Wulfings, who are territorial. As lord of Grimslade, Grimhelm son of Grimborn was raising the muster riders to prepare for either enemy while Eogar and a handful of riders had sped to track the raiders and find Esfled. The Company was told to head South, down a muddy road. Frightened Wulfing villagers pointed the way to Eogar's camp, which was still guarded by a handful of riders. These riders in turn related what happened, and why they suspected the Gaesela, and pointed the way to Eogar.

While following Eogar and the raider's tracks, the Company turned slightly more southward into the Derne Wood (Eogar was around the North end of the wood. This was fortuitous, as the Company had been following the raiders' tracks directly while Eogar had lost them. The Company was fortunate again in hearing the raiders and had an opportunity to sneak up on them. The Company spotted Esfled, bound and hooded, in the middle of the raider's camp in a small clearing. Attempt at an ambush was unsuccessful, and the Company came under fire from arrows and spears. However, the Company had the upper hand in the end: Thorondir was able to sneak up to Esfled, and with one unconscious member and one out of arrows, the raiders withdrew. Notably, the Company pegged two leaders who looked to be brother and sister, the sister coordinating much of the raiders fighting and when to get out. The brother had been holding on to Esfled, but abandoned her and the fight early on.

The Company brought Esfled out of the woods and they regained the trail to Eogar's camp. Although initially greeted warily, a cry of joy and relief for Esfled's return roused Eogar and his son, Erkenbrand, who ran directly to his mother. The Company easily identified Mildrey Shielding as the imposing shieldmaiden to Eogar's side.

Reunions - and the companions' message- were interrupted by the arrival of Deormod, nephew and lieutenant to Frana of Frecasburg, Lord of the Wulfings. While riders made move to protect Eogar and his kin, Deormod plunged his sword into the ground and issued a formal question to the presence of Rohirrim in Wulfing lands, and mild accusations that Eogar was behind the raiders. After explaining the situation that led Eogar to the Derne Wood, Deomod was molified, however, the air indicated hours of questions and negotiations to come. The Company, however, were able to describe the raiders and Deomod gladly identified them as the twins Caswelun and Rhonwen, and said their raiding was notorious to the Wulfings.

After more peacable relations at camp, the Company related the message of Eomer to Eogar, Esfled, Mildryd, and Deormod. Having his wife returned to him softened Eogar considerably. While being in Deormod's presence certainly couched his actions, perhaps Eogar also took advantage of the chance to appear more peaceable to Frana's nephew and lieutenant. Although surprised, Mildryd accepted the offer, so long as Eogar would release her from service. As he did so, Eogar appeared fatherly, a rare showing of hidden but strongly held emotions.

The Company returned to the Entwade with Mildryd. Mildryd was a bit unsure of how to act, having also kept her emotions and demeanor hidden for some time. Soon, however, Mildryd and Esmund were reconciled. A disruptive rider named Blodred attempted to break the peace, having latched on to the feud completely. Some words from the Company kept him at bay, but ultimately, the riders the Company talked down earlier, Ashgar of Westfold and Maerstan of Eastfold, came to aid the union and took Blodred away without blows. In the lull that followed, Mildryd loudly announced her impending marriage.

Back in Edoras, Eomer and Lothiriel thanked the companions and bestowed gifts of treasure and steeds of quality. The King and Queen announced that as their celebration would be held at the end of summer and the start of harvest, the wedding between Esmund and Mildryd should be at Midsummer. The companions were, as a matter of course, invited to attend both. From this happiness, the companions began to turn their minds to what secrets of the palantiri might await in the libraries of Isengard.

Recent Events

The Year is now 3021, Two Years after the War of the Ring, but War is not over and Shadow still lingers in parts of Middle Earth. Much has been devastated, burned, and destroyed. Now the slow rebuilding and healing process is starting to show signs of flowering. Few lands were left unharmed by the Enemy; rebuilding efforts run from Dale to Osgiliath to Rohirric villages to the heart of the Shire.

In Arnor, the pragmatic see-it-to-believe-it Bree-landers still haven’t fully grasped that Strider’s a king and that the Rangers are nobility of old. 
Barliman Butterbur was shocked to learn that Strider was made a king - not a "mere ranger.
" For even some Rangers this has been breathtaking news; they were scattered at the time of Aragorn’s muster and not all got word of it or were able to journey South. Many are still keeping threats of Shadow and Corruption down in the North.

In these two years after the fall of Sauron:


  • March 25- Fall of Sauron and the Destruction of the One Ring
  • May 1, 3019 - Aragorn is crowned King Elessar of the Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondor; Gandalf helps Aragorn to find the sapling of the new White Tree.

  • Mid-year's Day (between June and July) 3019 - Aragorn marries Arwen Undómiel.

  • July 3019 - King Théoden is laid to rest beside other Kings of Rohan in Edoras. The announcement of Faramir's and Éowyn's betrothal.
 They are married later this year.
  • Peace is brokered with Harad: Harad is forfeiting South Gondor and Umbar in exchange for a pardon of fighters, POWs, etc, allowed to return home unmolested

  • Thorin III Stonehelm and Bard II, fast friends and allies, are rebuilding Erebor and Dale.

  • As a chief commander for King Elessar, Faramir has been tasked with clearing out Minas Morgul and the lost territories of Gondor and act as march-wardens. His and Eowyn's hands are full.

  • November 19, 3019 - Battle of Bywater; death of Saruman and Wormtongue; the end of the War of the Ring.

3020 - some events may not have happened depending on our start month. These may help for context purposes.

  • Elessar and Eomer rode out against remnants of Mordor

  • Spring 3020 - Samwise Gamgee marries Rosie Cotton and together they move to Bag End.

  • The Sea of Rhun is proving to be hotly contested vs. the Easterlings

  • Thranduil settles his borders at the Mountains of Mirkwood to help his own people thrive.

  • Legolas and Gimli share their travels through the Glittering Caves and Fangorn Forest. Legolas is now returning to Mirkwood to recruit elves to heal Ithilien while Gimli is setting out to recruit members of Durin’s Folk to go to the Glittering Caves.

  • Durin VII, a descendant of Thorin III, has expressed his wish to return to Moria soon.


  • Fourth Age - March 25 3021
  • Spring 3020 - Samwise Gamgee marries Rosie Cotton and together they move to Bag End.

  • 3021 - Éomer marries Imrahil's daughter, Lothíriel of Dol Amroth.
  • September 22, 3021 - Bilbo marks his 131st birthday, surpassing the Old Took.

  • September 29, 3021 - Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo depart from the Grey Havens and go to the Undying Lands.

  • Celeborn assumes full rulership of Lothlorien after Galadriel’s departure. He plans on extending domain to South Mirkwood and is currently holding both sides of the Anduin.

  • The twins Elladan and Elrohir assume a joint lordship of Rivendell in Elrond’s departure. Both expressed wishing to clean the land of Arnor and continue to work with the Rangers. They also expressed a project to translate the works of Rivendell’s library for the use of Men. Neither has stated whether he wishes to choose mortality like Arwen.

  • October 6, 3021 - Samwise returns to Bag End.