37th Stormtrooper Company

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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
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Dynastic Power
Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
Command Crew
Lord-Captain Drake
Navigator Primus Mordecai
Arch-Millitant Winter
Astropath Solarus
High Factorum August
House Drake Fleet
Aurea Albion
Hound of AlbionAbhorrent
Fortuitous PurposePenance of Iocanthos
Drake Trade Empire
Sepheris SecundusTennenberg
Killian's Rest
Drake Expeditions
Open Missions
Grand Endevours
Svard 1stStormtroopers
House Drake Expeditionary Army
Aerospace CraftGround Vehicles
WargearRelics and Artifacts
Secrets and ContactsAwards and Honors
The Galaxy
Calixis Sector
Koronus ExpansePeriphery Subsector
Peers of the Imperium
Rival Rogue Traders
Rogue Trader Timeline
House Rules
Guide and Lore

"From the skies!" Company Motto


Storm Troopers are highly-trained shock troops forming the elite force that is a Storm Trooper regiment. They are trained to carry out special operations such as deep strike assaults, reconnaissance, and infiltration beyond enemy lines. Storm Troopers are the very best soldiers the Imperial Guard has to offer, being trained to the peak of human perfection, their combat skills are unmatched within the ranks of the Imperial Guard.

Storm Troopers are unique in that they form a single regiment per sector, with that regiment receiving a constant influx of new recruits to keep it up to full strength. By virtue of its members having been recruited from the progena of the Schola Progenium, the regiment made up of soldiers from worlds throughout the Sector. With up to ten thousand men under arms at a givin time, the regiment is also larger than most other regiments. However this huge force does not fight at a single place; individual companies or battalions are instead sent to war zones, and from there, individual Storm Trooper squads are spread among the other regiments as required.

The Storm Trooper unit assigned to a warzone provides a core of elite squads, which are entrusted to carry out important missions requiring more training and initiative than possessed by the average Guardsman. Storm Trooper squads are effective at spearheading assaults into heavily fortified positions, infiltrating behind enemy lines and sowing confusion and panic. They are often dropped into the thick of combat from Valkyrie Assault Carriers, guns blazing before they even touch the ground.

Storm Trooper recruits are chosen from the progena of the Schola Progenium, where they have been raised and educated, and molded into loyal and dedicated servants of the Emperor. They are then taught superior battle tactics and the use of more advanced equipment than the average Guardsmen.

ST Close.jpeg

The regiments to which the Storm Troop squads are attached often regard the inimitably dedicated and better equipped Storm Troopers with a certain amount of animosity, referring to them by such names as 'Glory Boys' and 'Big Toy Soldiers'. Regardless of the opinion of the average Guardsman, none who witness Storm Troopers in action can deny they are worthy of such titles.

The standard gear of the 37th Stormtrooper Company consists of Storm Trooper Carapace Armor, a Hellgun (although some of the teams add a few Shotguns as backups for "close encounters"), and a mix of frag and krak grenades. To maintain mobility, the 37th eschew heavy weapons, preferring a mix of flamers and grenade launchers to be able to deal with most anything they come across.

Game Statistics


WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
35 50 40 40 35 25 40 40 25

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Horde: 15 / squad; Disiplined; Special Weapons

Skills: Awareness, Climb, Dodge, Common Lore (Imperium, War), Navigate Surface', Command'

Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Pistol Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Simple, Universal')Two Weapon Fighting (Ballistic, Melee), Quick Draw,

Armor: Stormtrooper Carapace: All 6


  • Hellgun (S/3/-; 1d10+4 E; Pen 7; Range 110; Clip 100; Reload 3 Full; Range-Finder, +10 Single Shot)
  • Hellpistol (S/2/-; 1d10+4 E; Pen 7; Range 35; Clip 100/20; Reload 3 Full)
  • Frag Grenade (S/-/-; 2d10 X; Pen 0; Range 12; Clip 1; Reload Half, Blast (4)) [4]
  • Krak Grenade (S/-/-; 2d10+4 X; Pen 6; Range 12; Clip 1; Reload Half, Blast (1)) [2]
  • Combat Knife (1d5+5 R; Pen 1, Balanced)

Note: Hellpistol and Hellgun share the same backpack.

Equipment: Auspex', Stormtrooper Carapace, Advanced Helmet Systems, Respirator, Grav Chute

In addition, one member of every combat team (5 troopers) is a specialist who will replace their Hellgun and Backpack Power Unit with one of the following: Grenade Launcher, Flamer, Meltagun (max 5), Plasma Gun (max 5).


  • Grenade Launcher (S/-/-; Range 60; Clip 6; Reload Full, Inaccurate)
  • Flamer (S/-/-; 1d10+4 E; Pen 2; Range 20; Clip 6; Reload 2 Full, Flame)
  • Meltagun (S/-/-; 4d10+8; Pen 13; Range 20; Clip 5; Reload 2 Full, Melta)
  • Plasma Gun (S/2/-; 4d10+9 E; Pen 8; Range 90m; Clip 40; Reload 5 Full; Overheat, Recharge)
ST Squad Model.jpg

' Sergeants Only, Sergeants also have +10 Fellowship. Special Weapons: Storm Trooper Squad may fire one specialist weapon per turn, with no magnitude bonus.

Tactical Unit

The entire company (100 Stormtroopers) is deployed as a single unit with the follwing profile:

Strength 10, Power 9, Morale 100

Special Operations Enemies roll 1d10 damage less when the Storm Troopers succeed a Flank Attack, Charge or Feint maneuver. In addition, the Storm Troopers attack gains Reliable(4) during these same maneuvers.

Only War Regiment Creation

The 37th Stormtrooper Company has been created using the following Regiment Creation doctrines:

  • Homeworld: Schola Progenium, 3 points
  • Commanding Officer: Phlegmatic, 1 point
  • Regiment Type: Grenadiers, 4 points
  • Doctrines: Iron Discipline (3 points), Vanguard (6 points)
  • Drawbacks: The Few (-5 points)

Total Points: 12

  • Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to Willpower, +3 to either Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, +3 Ballistic Skill, +3 Toughness, –3 Perception
  • Starting Aptitudes: Willpower
  • Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Guard) +10, Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (War) +10, Linguistics (High Gothic, Low Gothic), Tech-Use
  • Starting Wounds: Progena characters begin play with +1 starting Wound.
  • Starting Talents: Air of Authority, Unshakeable Faith, Bombardier
  • Standard Regimental Kit: 1 auxiliary grenade launcher weapon upgrade per Player Character, 1 additional krak and frag grenade per Player Character, 1 suit of light carapace armour per Player Character, 1 deadspace earpiece per Player Character, 2 grenade launchers per Squad, 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs or 1 combat shotgun (Main Weapon) with four clips per Player Character, 1 combi-tool per Player Character, 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 9-70 entrenching tool per Player Character, 1 anointed toolkit per Player Character, 1 lascutter per Squad, 6 demolitions charges per Squad, 1 siege auspex per Squad, and a single Chimera armoured transport per Squad armed with a turret- mounted autocannon, a hull-mounted heavy flamer, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting.
  • The Few: When a Squad from this regiment requests reinforcements (to replace fallen Comrades), it must make a Hard (–20) Logistics Test if most of the regiment is actively deployed or an Ordinary (+10) Logistics Test if a significant portion of the regiment is not currently in the field (these Tests already include situational modifiers except those added at the GM’s discretion). If it fails, the regiment simply has no reinforcements it can spare for the Squad, and its members must soldier on until its members can put in another request for troop support.

Known Actions

This lists known battles and participation in actions after being acquired by Lord-Captain Drake

  • The Conquest of the Colossus
  • The Pillaging of Dread Pearl
  • The Siege of Damaris