Damaris Locations

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Rogue Trader: Drake Dynasty
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Character Level: 31,250 XP / Rank 8
Profit Factor: 43𝖕
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Damaris City.jpg

External Locations

Internal Industrial Infrastructure

The various mines and refinery stations scattered around the countryside serve to maintain Damaris' industrial economy. The majority of the mineral wealth pulled from the ground is sent back to the Imperium, but some of it is distributed throughout the Koronus Expanse with the aid of various Charter Captains and Rogue Traders. While the loss of one refinery location or mine won't constitute a major catastrophe for the people, losing all of them would capsize the economy. The twin refineries outside the city are also enticing targets for the Orks, as they can convert them for their own nefarious ends. Most importantly, those refineries produce the majority of the Levy's powder and explosives. Should this infrastructure fall, a great many ship Captains (including Elizabeth Orleans) will lose significant profit and the Levy will lose their primary source of bullets and bombs.

Planetary Infrastructure

This location, like the Industrial Infrastructure, is an abstract representation of the various systems and buildings that are vital to the people of Damaris. It represents the various water treatment plants and pumping stations, switching stations, back-up power reactors, transportation hubs, medicae facilities, and other locations that are needed by the people of the main settlements. They often have little to no protection aside from the walls they are contained behind, and though mono-tasked servitors may defend a few. Should these locations fall to the Orks, Damaris itself would be long in the rebuilding, and her civilian population will suffer for it.

Levy Bunkers and Outposts

Situated around the main settlements and countryside, the Levy has established numerous bunkers and outposts in anticipation of an attack. Each of these bunkers is equipped with firing ports and turrets for heavy weapons, and has enough food and supplies to sustain a platoon of troops for several weeks if need be. Each major bunker and outpost is also connected to the city and to one another by a network of underground tunnels constructed centuries ago. This system allows the Levy defenders to move troops from one location to the next without exposing themselves to the enemy. Demolition charges prevent the loss of one bunker from compromising the system. Units fighting out of the bunker system can easily cause disproportionate damage to the enemy and force them to spread their forces, increasing their effective strength and reducing the attack on the city's main walls.

Shard's Forge

Situated outside the city on a small island, the Forge of the Adeptus Mechanicus provides much of Damaris City's technology and manufacturing base. The Master of the Forge, Magos Shard, has hundreds of Skitarii Tech-guard to oversee the defense of his domain. Keeping the Forge intact is vital for the planet's defenses as the main power reactor for the entire Damaris settlement is located in the Forge. Though the settlement has various backup reactors and power systems, these haven't been fully tested since placement and only provide power to a small area. Should the Forge fall, the city and surrounding locations will be without power, shutting down the defense laser emplacements and other defenses. Moreover, the loss of the Forge would severally limit the Levy's ability to repair or replace any weaponry more complex then a lasgun. Shard's Forge has numerous defensive emplacements combined into a wall that surrounds the entire island, and Shard also reserves several units of his Skitarii to protect the Forge (in addition to those available to the Explorers). The thick, arcane defenses and the Skitarii's assistance will greatly reduce the casualties suffered by any unit stationed here.

Damaris City Walls

The main settlement and capital of the planet, Damaris City is surrounded by thick walls designed to hold off most sieges. Unfortunately they have not been put to the test since their installation, and it's unknown if they can withstand an all-out Ork assault. Sections of the walls have recessed cannons and batteries imbedded in them, but these have fired only the occasional test rounds for almost three hundred years. The walls themselves are roughly 30 meters thick and 30 meters high with bunkers and storerooms inside of them. They taper towards the top until they are only about 10 meters thick, where they are lined with battlements and walkways for troops and munitions. The defensive emplacements themselves are spaced out at uneven intervals ranging from a few hundred meters to over a few kilometers. Each emplacement houses a half-dozen heavy bolter and autocannon emplacements, two twin-linked lascannon sentry turrets, and a trio of artillery pieces (either long-range Earthshaker cannons, the shorter-range Medusa siege mortars or Bombard artillery pieces). Should the walls of the city fall, the Orks break into the city and the war becomes a bitter and hard fought city-fight, where attrition wins battles and the Orks superior numbers eventually and inevitably win out.

The walls are broken into four quadrants, each which must be garrisoned separately. These quadrents are: Plains West, Forge North, Main South, Sphinx East. In all cases the superior defensive positions along the walls will reduce the number of casualties garrison units will suffer.

Internal Locations

Enforcer Magistratum Fortress

Situated within the city walls, the Fortress of the local Magistratum (Damaris' law-enforcement equivalent of the Adeptus Arbites) is vital to the stability of the city in a time of crisis. The Magistratum patrol the streets of Damaris City, enforcing the martial law imposed during the invasion. As befits an essential wartime institution, the Fortress is equipped for extended siege and houses hundreds of well trained and well armed Enforcers. Like at the walls, the superior defensive positions will reduce the number of casualties garrison units will suffer.

Command Bunker

This is where the command staff, the members of the Government and other functionaries direct the war on the ground. It is situated beneath the Governor's Palace and is considered to be nigh impregnable. Inside are a variety of command and control systems, cogitators, and data-looms for coordinating a ground war. Massive hololith projectors emit eerie green glows showing different aspects of the battlefield, and several dozen acolytes of the Adeptus Mechanicus move about ensuring the proper rites and supplications are made to the fickle machine spirits that dwell here. The armoured shaft leading to the Command Bunker is blocked by four adamantine bulkhead doors, each a metre thick. However, should the palace become occupied by the greenskins, it will be only a matter of time before they either make their way into the bunker or starve out the people inside. There is a secure transmitter that allows real-time communications between the bunker, any starships in the system, and the orbital Bulwark. The bunker has enough supplies to last for more than a month.

Internal Industrial Infrastructure

The various magnifactoriums and refinery stations scattered around the countryside and city serve to maintain Damaris' industrial economy. While the loss of one refinery or factory won't constitute a major catastrophe for the people, losing all of them would capsize the economy. Of particular importance are the internal refineries, which hold much of the fully processed ore that is loaded onto the various haulers and shuttles via a complex conveyor system and then taken on board starships waiting in orbit. Should this infrastructure fall, a great many ship Captains will lose significant profit and the civilians much of their way of life.

Sphinx's Landing Starport

The Starport is an important asset to the defenders of Damaris. Aside from the Levy Training Fields, it's the only place that Levy fighters can take off and land from, and the only location where the Flotilla's space fighters can stage from on the surface. In addition, various shuttles and ore-conveyors are parked here. In the event of an evacuation of survivors, the Starport must remain clear and operational. Several defense laser batteries, anti-aircraft Hydra emplacements, and Manticore missile batteries can be used to fend off any raiders who manage to bypass the cordon established by the Bulwark protect the Starport. The superior mobility and these defensive weapons will greatly increase the effective strength of any units stationed here.

Levy Training Fields

This is where the bulk of the Levy troops are trained and housed. Numerous defense batteries and emplacements protect the perimeter alongside a strong standing force of guards. The protection of this location is vital to the overall defense of Damaris because the Levy will be sorely needed after the invasion to perform mop-up operations and support the local Adeptus Arbites in its protection duties. As they also contain the Kapak Memorial Starport, the training fields are also only other location the Levy has to resupply and launch its air forces. Its officer training facilities can also be used as a tactical center should the command bunker fall. Easy mobility and defensive weapons will grant garrisoning troops a bonus to their strength when fighting here.

Planetary Infrastructure

This location, like the Industrial Infrastructure, is an abstract representation of the various systems and buildings that are vital to the people of Damaris. It represents the various water treatment plants and pumping stations, switching stations, back-up power reactors, transportation hubs, medicae facilities, and other locations that are needed by the people of the main settlements. They often have little to no protection aside from the walls they are contained behind, and though mono-tasked servitors may defend a few. Should these locations fall to the Orks, Damaris itself would be long in the rebuilding, and her civilian population will suffer for it.

Shrine of St. Drusus

This holy temple, dedicated to Saint Drusus of the Angevin Crusades, is one of the cornerstones of the Ecclesiarchy's hold within this region of the Koronus Expanse. If the temple fell, it would be a major blow to the Imperial Creed in the area. Housed within the temple is the ancient reliquary, a legendary artifact of St. Drusus. Roughly five hundred Frateris Militia are housed here and oversee the various rights within the temple, and will do their best to hold the cathedral's thick walls if the orks make it though the walls.

Offensive Operations

Not a true location, per se, Offensive Operations represents units being detailed to strike back against Ork positions, conduct spoiler assaults, and eventually destroy the Orks' foothold on Damaris.