Sir Farin Quarrymeade

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Farin at home. He is out of beer.
D&D 5th Edition
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Level 13
Sir Elric, Human Champion
Marigold Banks, Halfling Attendent
Gleeman Alastar, Tiefling Harald
Lady Aldreda, Half-Elf Schemer
Gion of Velen, Human Mystery
Sir Farin Quarrymeade Dwarf Noble

Ser Farin is a lawful neutral level 8 Dwarf rogue mastermind.

To do: Add a feat or increase stats.


Under construction.

Ser Farin is fluent in Common, Dwarven, Thieves' Cant, and Draconic.

Clan History

Farin, Lord Quarrymeade, to Lord Elric, son of Duke Taewynn, of House Stormbringer, good tidings and sincere affection.

Our last meeting being a time of merriment and feasting, we were honored and surprised at the interest you placed in our own trifling clan history, and desire to learn about our own home and land. If it pleases you, a light and brusque history of the realm may herein suffice.

The so-called Iron Mountains are but a segment of the Cloud Mountains, and nonetheless, a part of the same kingdom stretching beneath the mighty range. Indeed, a part of the same rich dwarven kingdom called such for the iron the mountains yielded and the steel that issued from our mighty forges!

Wisdom leads us to temper that - amusements aside- with the trade with Crimmor as the trade road passes overhead. With tempestuous gale and flurry of snows, even this mighty road is no match for winter. As it is, the mountains are veined with several passes, including some lower to the plains and not as high as the dragons, however, they do not sustain more than a cart-width at times.

With great prosperity and fortune, the welcoming halls underneath may provide a warm welcome to the merchant caught in an early blizzard, the heartiest of adventurers, and to the weariest of travelers in like kind. Our east-flung halls soon turned to a homely waystation for all free folk. Just as many rivers continue to flow under a sheen of thick ice, so too does trade and travel through the Cloud Mountains!

Indeed, our great and foresighted King had the desire to strengthen this region of his realm, in riches drawn and barter made. The King Under the Mountain created several official lordships with duties - actual duties rather than just titles - a big change from the years of waning. Into this scene stepped our enterprising progenitor, The Quarrymeade Himself, our great ancestor turning to making mead and ale instead of sword and axe, growing such in stature and worth that the King saw fit to raise Him.

The founding legend states that in a desperate search for a new vein of iron, a dwarven team delved along a mountainside above the sources of the Weng. Feeling a strange hollow, the Quarrymeade struck with pick and discovered a shallow cave inhabited by bees, quarrying out the first apiary!

Quarrymeade is well remembered for bringing a new vitality to the Eastern kingdom and it is said he is descended from the shield dwarves of the North who first sought refuge in these Southern mountains. Not one of the fancy gold dwarves! No! Some say that is why he could indeed both quarry and make mead! But that is a joke we tell amongst ourselves, much like the bee legend. But the bee appears on the Quarrymeade sigil; it is on our cask seals and the banners so seeing it abroad is seeing, and smelling, and drinking, a bit of home.

When young dwarves question the story, as they are wont to do, they are asked in turn... What did you put on your breakfast bread? Honey. What makes honey? Bees. Who cares for those bees, hmm? Dwarves!

Although a legend, we care for the bees, and their honey, and, of course, the mead that is our own gold. These bounties of the mountains are well regarded and enjoyed, though meads are made with other honey traders are willing to bring in quantity, of course.

The memory of dwarves runs long and deep, much like our halls and mines. In any case, this ancestor of ours got the name Quarrymeade, is The Quarrymeade, and we Quarrymeades, except one or two breaks in the line, have been lords in the Iron Mountains ever since.

May this humble tale satisfy and please you, so that you may think well of our home a little more, as our halls would not compare to the glory of your own realm!

May your fires be as warm and glad as our own.

In hearing this, your own Ser Tygart was witness. By my own witness and that of Ser Tygart, signed:


Personal History

The Thrane of Meade’s Runne, his Lordship Reysti Gott Quarrymeade, wishes good tidings on the reader and a kind disposition towards the bearer, as one might do well to any traveler and a welcome to a new home abroad.

While it is on my behalf that this introduction is made, I must also pass on the hopes of surety and blessings from Solia, Duchess of the Meadelodes and Apiary-Under-the-Mountain. Glad tidings to all!

The bearer of this letter will be mine own nephew, the son second-born of The Lord Quarrymeade Elgar Verda, Duke of the Meadelodes and Earl of Apiary-Under-the-Mountain, second of his name, and Solia, Duchess of the Meadelodes and Countess of Apiary-Under-the-Mountain, the youngest daughter of the King of the Iron Mountains and Cloudreach Halls, and younger brother to Lord Aron Voru Quarrymeade, Earl of Apiary-Under-the-Mountain.

It is by my sign and sigil as a long and upstanding member of the Club of Second Sons that I do herein recommend the young Lord Farin Quarrymeade to join our humble and noble fraternity with all the rights and privileges that toil and training do confer upon us.

The young Lord is already a keen study at sword and ax, grounded in his schoolings, and learning dragonchess. For a lad he is fair and diplomatic in speech, and he inclines to a type of discretion and observation that does well in our brotherhood. The young Lord is quite nimble, and may possess certain aptitudes for fine work and lifting, of which it is my most sincere desire that he be tested and challenged.

If it so pleases the council, accept our humble recommendation and install the young Lord Farin Quarrymeade in our venerable institution, the Second Sons Club.

With Seal

With Sigil of the Second Sons


Character Statistics

Basic Statistics

Passive Skills:
Insight: 12/17 (+4)
Perception: 22 (+12) Investigation: 10/15 +5 passive

Derived Statistics
Speed: 25 feet
Maximum Hit Points: 88
Initiative +11
Armor Class: 18 = 10 + 4 [breastplate] + 2 [steel shield] + 2 [dexterity in armor]

Size: Medium
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 220 lb
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Blond Wavy; Average Beard


Strength 18 (+4)   Dexterity 16 (+3)   Constitution 20 (+5)
Intelligence 12 (+1)   Wisdom 11 (+0)   Charisma 14 (+2)


Proficiency bonus: +3

  • Initiative modifier: + 11 = + 3 [dexterity] + 3 [proficiency] + 5 [alert]
  • Attack (handheld / thrown): + 7 = + 4 [strength] + 3 [proficiency]
  • Attack (missile / finesse): + 6 = + 3 [dexterity] + 3 [proficiency]

Weapons and Armor

  • Simple Weapons
  • Martial Weapons
  • Light Armor
  • Medium Armor
  • Heavy Armor

Tool Based

  • Brewing
  • Thieve's Tools
  • Forgery
  • Disguise
  • Riding a mount
  • Dragonchess


  • Common
  • Dwarven
  • Draconic
  • Theives Cant
  • Draconic
  • Draconic

Proficient Skills

  • Athletics
  • History
  • Insight
  • Perception (+3 Expertise)
  • Persuasion
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Stealth (+3 Expertise)

Proficient Saves

  • Intelligence
  • Dexterity

Current Saves

  • Strength save: 4 = 4 [str]
  • Dexterity save: 6 = 3 [dex] 3 [pro]
  • Constitution save: 5 = 5 [con]
  • Intelligence save: 3 = 3 [pro]
  • Wisdom save: +0
  • Charisma save: 2 = 2 [cha]


Skill Name Key Ability Total Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Proficiency Modifier Expertise Modifier Misc Modifier
Acrobatics Dex 3= 3
Animal Handling Wis 1= 1 0
Arcana Int 5= 4 1
Athletics Str 3= 3
Deception Cha 2= 2
History Int 4= 3 1
Insight Wis 4= 1 3
Intimidation Cha 2= 2
Investigation Int 1= 0 1
Medicine Wis 1= 1
Nature Int 1= 0 1
Perception Wis 7= 1 3 3
Performance Cha 2= 2
Persuasion Cha 5= 2 3
Religion Int 1= 0 1
Sleight of Hand Dex 5= 3 2
Stealth Dex 9= 3 3 3
Survival Wis 1= 1



  • +5 bonus on initiative
  • cannot be surprised while conscious
  • other creatures cannot gain advantage on attack rolls while being hidden from you


  • +1 Wisdom
  • lipreading
  • +5 to passive wisdom - perception
  • +5 to passive intelligence - investigation

Do I get another by now Level 5, 6, 7, 8?)

Class advances


  • Double Proficiency on Thieves tools and Perception
  • Thieves cant
  • Expertise in four skills


  • proficiencies with disguise and poisoner kit.

Sneak Attack:

  • Currently Add 4d6

Cunning action

  • take a second action to dash, disengage or hide


  • advantage against any creature that has not yet taken a turn in combat. Hits on surprised creatures are criticals.

Uncanny Dodge

  • When an attacker you can see hits you, can use yourreaction to take half damage.


  • Choose two more proficiencies (in skills or thieves tools) - skills chosen:


  • When subjected to an effect that allows for a dex save to get out of the way and take half damage, take no damage and take half if failed.

Ability Score Increases

  • Two increases available - abilities chosen: Intelligence +2

Remaining Advances from Mastermind

Insightful Manipulator

  • Starting at 9th level, if you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature outsidecombat, you can learn certain information about its

capabilities compared to your own. The DM tells you ifthe creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard to two of the following characteristics of your choice: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and/or Class levels (if any). At the DM’s option, you might also realize you know a piece of the creature’s history or one of its personality traits, if it has any.


  • Beginning at 13th level, you can sometimes cause another creature to suffer an attack meant for you. When you are targeted by an attack while a creature within 5 feet of you is granting you cover against that attack, you can use your reaction to have the attack target that creature instead of you.

Soul of Deceit

  • Starting at 17th level, your thoughts can’t be read by telepathy or other means, unless you allow it. You can present false thoughts by making a Charisma (Deception) check contested by the mind reader’s Wisdom (Insight) check. Additionally, no matter what you say, magic that would determine if you are telling the truth indicates you are being truthful, if you so choose, and you can’t be compelled to tell the truth by magic


Background Points

  • Courteous

"Correct words and demeanor can win many wars."

  • Vivacious

"We aren't called Quarrymeade for nothing!"

  • Loyal

"One must always have something to be faithful to."

  • Ambitious

"If you have much to give in this world, then you also have much to take."

  • Discreet

"Subtly, much can be accomplished, even in front of another's eyes.


  • Dependability

"Loyalty, trust, and action for kin must be counted upon."

  • Detachment

"Make one's own name."

  • Impartiality

"Be firm but fair, and you will be respected."


  • Allegiance is owed to Farin's father, and to Farin's brother, the heir.

"My life is my kin. Hopefully they will see it."


  • Opportunistic

"Like in chess: if your opponent leaves an opening, take it."

  • Paranoid

"Get them first before they get you. Some are "not" to be trusted."

  • Criminal

"It happened to fall into my possession."

  • Well-Meaning

"My intent was to do good."

Special Rules


  • Dwarves receive +2 constitution (already included).
  • Can move 25 feet even if in heavy armor
  • Darkvision (see 60 feet black-and-white in pitch-dark)
  • Dwarven resilience: Advantage on saving throws against poison, and resistance against poison damage
  • Tool proficiency: This dwarf chose proficiency as a brewer.
  • Stonecunning (always proficient with double the proficiency bonus on history checks related to stonework; cannot become lost underground)
  • Dwarven armor does not count against encumbrance.
  • Proficiency with Battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer
  • Tend to lawful and good
  • Languages: Common and Dwarven
  • Age the same as humans, but considered young until about 50 or so

Mountain Dwarf Subrace

  • Mountain Dwarves receive +2 strength (already included).
  • Armor Mastery: Proficiency with light and medium armor.
  • Tend to the taller and fairer side


  • Farin is the second son from the Iron Mountains, sent for goodwill to ally with Sir Elric
  • You are proficient in riding a horse.
  • One extra language of your choice, took Draconic
  • You are proficient with at least one kind of gaming set. Consider bringing one. - Took Dragonchess
  • Skill Proficiencies: History and Persuasion
  • Fine clothes, signet ring, scroll of pedigree, and a purse with 25 gp
  • Feature: Position of Privilege - treated and welcomed as nobility or high society, can gain an audience with local nobles, peasants treat w/deference, etc.


Encumbrance: 90lb (Light, -10); 180lb (Heavy, -20); 270lb (Maximum)
Carried: 66lb on person, +60 Personal, +135 Pack. )

Heavy encumbrance includes additional disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saves involving strength, constitution, and/or dexterity.

Dwarf armor does not count for calculating encumberance.


  • Battleaxe {5lb}

+6 to hit; 1d8+4 [slashing, versatile (1d10 slashing)]

  • Hand axes {4 at 3 lbs each}

+6 to hit; 1d6+4 [slashing, light, thrown (range 20/60)]

  • Dagger {50 sp, 2 at 1lb each}

+6 to hit; 1d4+4 damage [Light, piercing Thrown 20/60]

  • Unarmed strike

+6 to hit; 1+4 [bludgeoning]


  • Breastplate {20lb}

[Max dex +2, +4 AC]

  • Steel Shield {6 lb.}

[+2 AC]


  • Backpack {20 sp, 5lb}
  • Bedroll {10 sp, 7lb}
  • Ball bearings (bag of 1000)
  • Bell
  • Brewer's Kit
  • Candles x 5
  • Case (for map or scroll) x 2
  • Chest
  • Clothing change x 2
  • Crowbar
  • Dragonchess Set
  • Hammer
  • Fine Clothes {20 sp, 4lb}
  • Ink pen
  • Ink vial
  • Lantern (hooded)
  • Mess kit {2 sp, 1lb}
  • Oil flasks x 2
  • Paper sheets x 5
  • Parchment sheets x 2
  • Perfume bottle
  • Pitons (bag of 4) x 10
  • Poisoner's Kit
  • Purse: 25 gold
  • Rations (10 day) {50 sp 20lb}
  • Rope (50 feet) {10 sp, 10lb}
  • Signet Ring {0.2 sp, 1lb}
  • Sealing wax
  • Signet ring
  • Soap
  • String, ten feet x1
  • Whetstone
  • Waterskin (Full) x2 {4 sp, 10lb}


War Horse (Palen):

  • Riding Horse {100 sp, 0lb}
  • Military Saddle {50 sp, 25lb}
  • Saddlebags {4 sp, 8 lb}
  • Bit and Bridle {5 sp. 100 lb}
  • Scale Barding

Large beast, unaligned)
Speed 60 ft. )
Armor Class 15)
Hit Points 24 (3d10+3) )

Strength 18 (+4)   Dexterity 12 (+1)   Constitution 13 (+1)
Intelligence 2 (-4)   Wisdom 12 (+1)   Charisma 7 (-2)

Perception (passive) 11)
Encumbrance: 180lb. (Light -10ft), 360lb. (Heavy -20ft), 540lb. (Maximum) )
Kick: Melee Attack +4, 2d6+4 damage, Reach 5 ft. )
Sure Footed: Palen has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock him prone.
Trampling Charge: If the horse moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature right before hitting it with a hooves attack, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the horse can take a bonus action to make another attack with its hooves against the target.

travelling with samrdog the hoper with porcelain

Rogue Advancement