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Star Wars: Clone Wars Missions
XP: 650
House RulesBestiary
Jedi Knights
Akari Sora
Chandra Devi
Tammine Zinko
Zak Tanner
Jedi Padawans
Key NPCs
Jedi Master Haneul
Associated Jedi
Ami Kyuchi
Raj Vashin
Shalla Tane
Wrrlevgebev on undercover assignment

(Work in progress)


Wrrlevgebev (commonly addressed as Gebev, Bev or Padawan) is one of the few Wookiees to be admitted to the Jedi Order to become a fabled Jedi Knight. Gebev was taken at a young age, as most Younglings were, surrendered by his clan as a point of honor and pride. Gebev himself is not fully aware of his family background, as is normal for those at the Temple. A sharp eye was kept on the Young learner, as the rage of the Wookiees was well known to all who had known them. Gebev did have some issues controlling his all too natural tendencies towards rage, but found solace in simple meditation, saber drill, and surprisingly, horticulture.

To further watch the young Jedi, a Jedi Knight by the name of Rahm Kota was pressured to take the young Wookiee under his tutelage as his apprentice. For several years, Gebev struggled and prevailed under the harsh teachings of Kota. When the Clone Wars began, the two took to the field of battle alongside Kota’s militia, as the Jedi General did not trust the clone troopers for various reasons. During a particularly hard fought battle, an artillery barrage struck the position that the Jedi were seeking cover in. Kota was largely unharmed, but Gebev came away having lost his left arm to the shoulder. This injury saw the Padawan sent to the hospital station for the sector to heal his physical injuries. He later returned to the Temple, his shoulder heavily bandaged and bearing a message from Kota to the Council, renouncing Gebev as his Padawan given his incredible injuries. The Temple affixed a cybernetic arm, crafted by Temple artisans, to restore the wounded Jedi to full capability. However, the emotional wounds of being abandoned remained.

Later, Gebev was taken under the wing of Raj Vashin, Jedi Knight. Raj, for all his faults in making the Padawan do all the paperwork so that he was not burdened with the distraction, helped the Padawan construct his own lightsaber and teaching him something of computers and mechanical aptitude.. Gebev was unsure what to make of his new master, and was long suffering under the mountains of forms so that Raj could pursue other, worthier interests. Raj was then pulled from the team of Jedi they had been attached to, leaving his Padawan in the process with barely a word. The wounds of that abandonment dug deep, opening older wounds that had barely healed themselves. Gebev retreated into a shell, preferring the company of his few miniature plants in his chamber, who had never once disappointed him.

Now, the young Wookiee is the apprentice of one Tammine Zinko, a remarkably aloof woman who has barely given the Wookiee tutelage in much of anything, let alone foster the family bond that is common amongst Jedi Masters and their Padawans. Only time will tell what will come of the two.



Brawn 4   Agility 3   Intellect 3
Cunning 2   Willpower 3   Presence 2
Career Jedi   Specializations 3   Total XP 500

(130 XP)


Wound Threshold 24   Strain Threshold 15   Force Rating 2
Soak 5   Ranged Defense 0   Melee Defense 0
Morality 52 Discipline/Anger

Skills (Abridged)

  • ✓ denotes class/specialization skill
Skill Ability Level Roll
Astrogation Intellect Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Athletics Brawn ■ ■ Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Charm Presence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Computers Intellect Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Cool Presence Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Coordination Agility Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Deception Cunning Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Discipline Willpower Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Mechanics Intellect Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-blue-die.png
Perception Willpower Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Survival Cunning Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Resilience Brawn Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png Eote-green-die.png
Vigilance Willpower Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Lightsaber Brawn ■■■ Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-yellow-die.pngEote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Education Intellect Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Lore Intellect Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Brawl Brawn Eote-yellow-die.pngEote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png
Skulduggery Cunning Eote-green-die.pngEote-green-die.png

(10 XP)


(255 XP)

  • Parry: Spend 3 strain to reduce melee damage by 8
  • Reflect: Spend 3 strain to reduce ranged damage by 5

Force Powers

  • Enhance: When making an Athletics add your force dice, counting Force Points as Success or Advantage.
    • Enhance Control: May use Enhance dice to perform a Force Leap to short range.
    • Enhance Control: Force Leap may now be used to leap vertically.
    • Enhance Range: Force Leap may now reach out to medium range.
  • Influence: Spend a Force Point to cause strain or influence emotions.
  • Move: Spend a Force Point to move a small (Sil 0) object within Short range.
    • Range: Spend a Force Point to manipulate an object within Medium range.
    • Control: Make a ranged combat check and a move power check to hurl an object at a target, damage equal to ten times the silhouette.
    • Strength: Spend a Force Point to increase size of targets affected by Move by one silhouette equal to ranks in Strength.
    • Strength: Spend a Force Point to increase size of targets affected by Move by one silhouette equal to ranks in Strength.
    • Strength: Spend a Force Point to increase size of targets affected by Move by one silhouette equal to ranks in Strength.
    • Strength: Spend a Force Point to increase size of targets affected by Move by one silhouette equal to ranks in Strength.
  • Sense: Spend a Force Point to sense living things in short range or their emotional state.
    • Sense Control: Commit a force die to upgrade an incoming attack.

(75 XP)


  • Two-handed Basic Lightsaber
    • DMG: 12
    • Range: Melee
    • Crit: 1
    • Special: Ilum Crystal, Breach 1, Sunder, Two-handed, Extended Hilt, Vicious 3
