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Golden Sky Stories
Golden Sky Stories Logo.jpg
The Player Characters
Tovera - Young Dragon
Miyako - Horse Henge
Haru - Tosa Inu Henge
Okuni Abe - Kitsune
Kinji - Tanuki
Miguel de Almeida - Ghost
Tsukiko (月子) - Witch
The Stories
Story List
The Local Gods
Goddess of Mt. Kaminaga · Goddess of Gokou River
Humans of Hitotsuna
Arata Misuzu · Arisa Aikawa · Miyuki · Natsu · Daisuke · Billy Watts · Anna Watts· Hibito Maruyama · Akinari Nakamura· Sena · Junpei Kawakami · Shinjiro
NPC Henge & Mononoke
Touki the Kodama · Haruko· Ryuha
Animal Friends
Ghost the puppy· Buckeye the Sparrow

The Players of the Story

The Denizen(s) of the Story

Summary of the Story

Scene One: Bullying in the Barn

While walking home with Haru, the players overhear a commotion in one of the outlying barns. Within Sena, Shin, Hibito, and Mutto have cornered the new foreign exchange student, and are making fun of him. The Players scare off the bullies fairly easily when they enter, all of them fearing the older kids will tell on them for their behavior. The players console the crying Billy Watts, whose bright red hair, freckled face, difficulty with the language, and unfortunate name (Billy being easily mispronounced Biri a word for on the bottom) have made it hard to make friends. After consoling the kid, the players become friends of the young kid.

Scene Two: Turn Right Where the Thrush Knocks

As evening descends, Billy Watts has the dawning realization that he need to get home, and doesn't know the town well enough to get there from here. The players offer to help, and start by leading him back to the school after which he begins making his way back based on the land marks he saw when getting to school. Tovera decide to watch over there progress from the river in his natural form, and Okuni Abe does something similar. They run into a bit of a snag when they discover that a large piece of farming equipment Billy Watts used as a landmark has moved since morning, but end up back on the right path with a bit of patience.

Scene Three: A Feast Giving Thanks

Arriving at Billy Watts home, they are greeted by his mother Anna Watts, who is thankful to the player for escorting her son home so late into he night. Anna Watts invites those in human form in for dinner, as thanks for helping her son. After a pleasant meal and conversation, with Miguel de Almeida and her discussing the difficulties of being foreign and christian in Japan.

Scene Four: The School Way Guard

The party decides they are going to escort Billy Watts to school the next morning. He is happy for having his friends with him, but meeting the bullies enroute make for a tense confrontation. Okuni Abe try to get them to empathize with Billy Watts, and stop bullying him, but they lack the experiences or insight needed to really empathize with him. Their behavior ends up angering Tovera to the point that she tries to hit one of the bullies, but Haru uses his Substitute power to intervene, but the threat of violence is enough to make the bullies scurry.

Scene Five: A Favor to a Friend

After school the party are tracked down by Miyuki and Ghost the puppy, as she has a favor to asks. She know the party are friends with Billy Watts, and she wants them to introduce her to him, and help convince him to become study buddies. She thinks he could help her with their English class, and she thinks she could help him with his Japanese, but she is too shy (in part due to a bit of a crush) to talk to him. After she is introduced to Tovera the players decide to help her.

Final Scene: A Friend at Last

They party returns to Billy Watts house with Miyuki in tow. Billy Watts agrees to , and the two of them are fast friends, with both being of a similar disposition and intelligence for their age. Anna Watts is appreciative of what the players did to help her son as well, and we end with Billy Watts and Miyuki sitting next to each other studying.