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Revision as of 22:13, 8 February 2014 by Tierce (talk | contribs)
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Agenda for today, things we need to work on, points of discussion, stuff brought up, notes, etc.

Things from last time/wrap:

• Adam has been working on a pretty character sheet, estimates finish time in 1.5 hours. Should be fillable in Word or Pages after. This will enable us to have the same character sheets and look like ones used for the folios. What do we want to do? Yes on the sheet

• Review characters. Whats on wiki, are we done, where do we stand, are we happy, kosher, etc? Any questions/advice/issues while we are all together? Mark can fill in his own characters if Adam sends him sheet Ben getting his characters out is an issue

• Recap Act I: how did builds go?

• How many Force points in the local pool versus the room pool (10)? Do we want to ask Karen for local Oreos? (Her supply is limited, however, number unknown, but could ask.

• Cerebro table marker? Decision?

• Yes, I need to upload my stuff online too (Lisa) Personal to-dos also include: propaganda, New pool poster with flippable points, and of course the cards.

Right now we have established turning points for act one. a lot of them influence act two. During Intermission, we will need to Mofference for me to give the summary of effects and we can share any revelations. Don't forget to use me for advice/fixes.

• Review Act II builds. Truncated notes from last time's additions are included below for reference:

Flip ze switch everyone gets to their powerpoint one team can shut down first, but ideally it should go from 200-0% at the same time to destroy the facility (this is revealed before intermission). Outside, their radios will work. So they can coordinate (this should be logical), and it makes sense to wait and listen to others.

Then go to wrap. Short story of wrap:

Emergency generators go on through the city, and a message comes over the holonet, and a memo arrives at the Imperial garrison. (so sad) Imp or a droid (don't shoot). From mysterious Jedi that felt the ping: fuel up on the rebel sympathetic pirate base then exchange your ship. freedom fighters fly to dantooine. they'll be going to Dantooine. I'll meet you there.

• What we need to do is go through the builds from their point of leaving the inner Cerebro chamber to the dramatic shutting off of power at Flip ze Switch. Problems? Need Ideas? Comments? Questions? Etc.