Terram Lab Texts

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
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Terram Lab Texts



  • Wall of Protecting Stone (CrTe 25), [Translated by Obscurus Ignis]
  • Conjuring the Wizard's Tower (CrTe 35), [Justinius of Tremere]
  • Conjuring the Nobleman's Manor (CrTe 35), [Justinius of Tremere]
  • Conjure Viae Romanae (CrTe 25), [Geoffroy of Jerbiton] - creates up to 40 miles of road 3 paces wide and slightly crowned. Can create bridges. (untranslated)
  • Ball of Burning Lava (CrTe 15), [Geoffroy of Jerbiton] - A ball of lava covers a small area within range. This inflicts +15 damage to items and people splashed by the lava. This spell creates 1 cubic foot ball of lava. (untranslated)
  • Convenient Placement of Soil (CrTe 4), [Geoffroy of Jerbiton] (R: Touch D: Diameter T: Individual: +1 size) A pile of dirt sand, mud, or clay up to 100 cubic paces in size is created by the caster. This could be used to hold a door shut, to break a floor by overloading it, to sink a boat in which the caster is standing, to create an earthen ramp, etc. (untranslated)
  • Conjuring the Arcane Watchtower (CrTe 30) [Geoffroy of Jerbiton] (R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Individual) This spell creates a watchtower, subject to the desire and designs of the caster. The standard tower has four above ground floor levels and one below ground, a battlement on top, adjoining stairs, internal stone features, a single reinforced door, windows in the mid and upper floors, a small cell in the foundations below, and walls 3-4 feet thick at the base. It is also surrounded by a 2 pace tall wall set 5 paces from the outer edge of the watchtower. The tower has room to accommodate three wizard labs, and their supporting staff dwellings, supplies and meeting places. The spell provides 1000 cubic paces of stone. The complexity modifier allows for the structure to be a single piece of stone with shutters, doors and such built in. When small parts are needed, they are created within the single piece using thin stone slivers. The overall design of the tower cannot be ornate, as the spell complexity has allowed for internal complexity rather than artistic merit. (Base 3 to create stone, +1 Touch, +2 size, +2 complex design) (Untranslated)



  • The Crystal Dart (MuTe 10), [Neanne of Verditius, Translated by Magni]
  • Rock of Viscid Clay (MuTe 15), [Neanne of Verditius]



  • The Unseen Arm (ReTe 5), [Neanne of Verditius, Translated by Magni]
  • The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10), [Neanne of Verditius]
  • Polish Stone (ReTe 5), [Geoffroy of Jerbiton] - Polishes up to 300 cubic feet of stone (untranslated)
  • Likeness in stone (ReTe 10), [Geoffroy of Jerbiton] - Creates the likeness of a subject from a block of stone. A finesse roll determines if the result is properly suitable for purpose, and what the aesthetic value may be; a Finesse skill check of 6+ is needed for a properly formed generic statue (as different from a lumpy stone sculpture), and a 9+ indicates a specific subject’s appearance can be well represented in the result. A finesse roll of 12+ indicates the work is both properly formed and truly beautiful. (untranslated)


The River's Traverse

Creo Terram 20
Pen +0, 24/day
T: Touch, D: Conc, T: Part, device maintains concetration
This device is anchored into the opposite sides of the River Vrynwy with two halves of a large block of grey stone dug up locally. On the covenant-side, touching a marked area of the anchor stone and speaking the trigger word creates a grey stone bridge that spans the river. One covenfolk family has the duty of extending the bridge in the morning and withdrawing it at night.
(GL 2, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +5 levels to maintain, +1 additional size, +5 levels for 24 uses)
Translated by Obscurus Ignis

The Motivated Plow'

Rego Terram 15
Pen +0, 24/day
T: Touch, D: Conc, T: Part, device maintains concentration
This lightweight plow-shaped device can easily be pushed along even by a single grog, not needing any harnessed beasts. If settled on the ground, it transformed even hard-packed earth into loose, well-plowed soil in a circle 15 paces across.
(GL 2, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +1 Part, +5 levels to maintain, +5 for 24 uses; based on The Forviging Earth)
This lab text was translated by Veloxia

Pen of the Unseen Scribe

Rego Terram 19
Pen +0, Continuous
T: Voice, D: Sun, T: Self
This device records dictated notes. This does not allow the magi to create notes any faster but does write them out fully in the standard language being spoken. Any laboratory notes made this way are created in a "translated" state.


  • Eyes of the Eons is not one of the spells available.