Council Votes of 1226

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Ars Magica: Nova Semitae Saga
Game Start
Anno Domini MCCXX, hiems
A.D. 1220, winter
5 Neanne 1, Hiems
Game Year
Anno Domini MCCXXXV, aestas
A.D. 1236, summer
7 Aulus 2, Aestas
Magi of Nova Semitae
Geoffroy de Dreux of Jerbiton
Joshua Levi of Verditius
Magni of Flambeau
Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau
NPC Magi
Aulus · Neanne · Fr. Thomas · Vitria
Ysabelo discipulus Aulus
Esyllt discipula Geoffrey
Sigrun discipula Magni
Hermetic Status
Lady Angharad ferch Madog, Princess of Powys Fadog
Ritter Sigmund, German ex-Crusader
Sir Daniele d'Audrieu, Norman merchant
Sir William Cornwell, English ex-Crusader
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«1225 | Council Voting Records | 1227»

Aulus of Bonisagus, Quaesitor, and Thomas Ex Miscellanea will be absent from the covenant for most of the year, taking up their duties at the court of the Archbishop of Canterbury. They will be present for quarterly council meeetings, however.

1226, Winter

5 Neanne 2, Hiems

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua Levi of Verditius, Junior;
Members Absent: None

1226, Spring

5 Neanne 2, Ver

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior; Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior; Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Geoffrey of Jerbiton, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior

Members Absent: None

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Princeps Proposed Amendment to the Charter, Responsibilities of the Members of this Covenant.
"The requirement to write a commentary for a completed summa shall not apply to the Foundation books of the Arts in the usual manner. Instead, the requirement to produce a commentary shall be required on every four Foundation books read. The books are: De Novo, School of Apromor, The Power of Command, Mobilis in Mobilii, This Too Much Mortal Flesh, Species and Speculation, Magic and the Sensitive Faculty, The Stuff of Magic."

Neanne notes that primer books are intended as introductory texts and while commentaries can help expand this, their intent is to quickly raise a student's understanding in a given Art. And although she would not be impacted, she understands that this would allow other magi to position themselves as potential Masters sooner than later, as they would not be saddled with additional writing duties. Obscurus Ignis countered with a proposal to reduce the requirement to one in four.
None Geoffrey Magi Magus business only.
Votes for: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior;
Votes Against: None
Abstentions: Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior
Motion is passed (7-0)
Princeps Proposed Amendments to the Charter, Other Matters of Import.
"Visitors who study from the library shall be subject to the minimum fees as those who use laboratories or copy volumes.

A quorate Council, upon approval of a motion, may choose to waive or reduce any visitor fees for laboratory use or library use.

The Council of Members shall not levy any fees to access to the Records of Stonehenge maintained by Tribunal Redcaps."

Although the Council voted to waive traditional fees for Maribus, the Charter explicitly requires visitors who use its lab or who copy books to be charged a fee. The Council currently cannot waive this fee. These amendments corrects three areas: 1) It explicitly includes studying as a requiring a fee; 2) It permits the Council to waive or reduce fees at its discretion; 3) It explicitly excludes any fees for visitors who wish to access the Tribunal records maintained by the Redcaps, as the collection resides with the Covenant library and could conceivably be covered by the Charter requirements, which would upset the Redcaps who own the collection.
None Neanne Magi Magus business only.
Votes for: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior
Votes Against: None
Abstentions: None
Motion is passed (9-0)
Magister Leave to seek and then train/transition a candidate for position of Autocrat.
Council additional requirement: The candidate must learn to speak Welsh, if not already proficient
Approximately £2.5/yr (cost of a specialist) Autocrat Josef ben Gavrel Covenant Josef ben Gavrel has faithfully served the covenant for nearly four decades and is eligible for retirement. He asks to train a replacement while he remains healthy enough to do so.
Votes for: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior
Votes Against: None
Abstentions: None
Motion is passed (9-0)
Magister Amend the village laws Mundane Governance section:

Whereas the village of Melverley has been declared to be a Welsh village, Deuddwr commote, Principality of Powys Wenwynwyn, it recognizes Sir William Cornwell as its overlord. The village shall continue to be governed by the Council of Members and answer to Sir William Cornwell and his heirs for as long as he shall be the lawful ruler.

None Autocrat Josef ben Gavrel Covenant With the Council officially negotiating its formal feudal role, a statement regarding the village's place and overlord should be inserted into the Village laws to recognize this.
Votes for: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior;
Votes Against: None
Abstentions: Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior
Motion is passed (7-0)
Magister Request for Resources:

Sir William is requesting cash and resources to build the necessary infrastructure to establish forestry (logging and hunting) outside of the castle. This would also involve hiring or relocating a few people to take part in this work.

Unk. Sir William of Melverley Covenant/William ?
The council declines to decide this issue and remands the request to Sir William to provide specific requests which will be voted upon.

Visitor Requests

These are incoming magus visitor requests that have been delivered to the Magister. Both guests have been accepted by unanimous council consent at the offered rates of payment.

Requester Request Income Cost Notes
Samuel Ex Miscellanea filius Julissa Criamonis Protected Guest status for his stay, quarters and Lab space suitable for a magus, library access for one year 1 rook for one year (he is aware of Charter requirements for lab usage) Budget cost to house guest magus Born in Melverley, Samuel is a former apprentice and member of Nova Semitae, filius of Julissa of Criamon (missing), as well as the son of Jusef the Autocrat. He is visiting from Iberia Tribunal. He has been guilted into coming for a visit and has asked for full access for one year in order to fulfill his familial duties.
Ceilidh Ex Miscellanea filia Aislinn Tytali Protected Guest status for her stay, quarters suitable for a magus, library access for one year 2 pawns per season (offered) Budget cost to house guest magus Ceilidh is a former apprentice and member of Nova Semitae, filia of Archmaga Aislinn of Tytalus (missing). She is visiting from Hibernia Tribunal. She requests library access to study her mater's summa on Auram in order to advance her studies.

1226, Summer

5 Neanne 2, Aestas

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior; Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior; Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Geoffrey of Jerbiton, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior

Members Absent: None

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Master at Arms Increase the quality of armor worn by grogs, especially those who serve magi in front line roles. £1/yr Geoffrey Turb This will increase the budget by a modest amount.
Votes for: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior
Votes Against: None
Abstentions: Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior;
Motion is passed (7-0)
Princeps Allocate 34 pawns of Perdo, 7 pawns of Auram, 4 pawns of Aquam for the Hermetic Fair at the Covenant of Everlasting Flame for Ignem vis and any other resources that can be negotiated there. N/A Covenant Magi N/A
Votes for: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior (2); Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior (2); Geoffroy of Jerbiton, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior
Votes Against: None
Abstentions: Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior;
Motion is passed (8-0)
Princeps For covenant service, Geoffrey shall donate an original spell to create roads to the covenant. N/A Geoffrey of Jerbiton Magi N/A
Passes by general acclamation.

1226, Autumn

5 Neanne 2, Autumnus

Members Present: Neanne of Verditius, Princeps, Senior; Aulus of Bonisagus, Senior; Thomas Ex Miscellanea, Junior; Magni of Flambeau, Junior; Obscurus Ignis of Flambeau, Junior; Veloxia of Bjornaer, Junior; Geoffrey of Jerbiton, Junior; Joshua of Verditius, Junior

Members Absent: None

Office Request Cost Requester Benefit Autocrat's Notes
Princeps For covenant service, Neanne shall donate an enchantment that assists crossing the regio at Varana's Tomb to the covenant. N/A Neanne of Verditius Magi N/A
Passes by general acclamation.
Princeps For covenant service, Magni shall donate an enchantment that assists in the harvesting of vis to the covenant. N/A Magni of Flambeau Magi N/A
Passes by general acclamation.
Magister Geoffrey of Jerbiton requests additionals pawns to cast a road-creation spell which would link the covenant with its hospital, as well as villages along the way and in Angharad's domain to provide easy passage to the hospital. Obscurus Ignis proposed an amendment that the covenant obtain permission from local rulers first and work with local villages to prepare them for the coming road. The Council will release 3 pawns of Creo vis to supplement the 2 pawns of Creo vis that Geoffrey will provide for the casting to the spell. N/A Geoffrey of Jerbiton Covenant N/A
Passes by general acclamation.
Librarian Directs Veloxia as Covenant Librarian to assign Elishiva bat Sholem to begin studies of the Tribunal records to seek out claimed vis sources from extinct covenants with a view to claim them. N/A Joshua of Verditius Magi Josef notes that Elishiva will begin to draw a salary for her work.
Passes by general acclamation.